NLP - Logical Levels

By: Joseph O'Connor

Individuals and organisations experience problems and make changes at different levels.

The first level is the Environment: (the where and the when).

The environment is the place we are and the people we are with. You have probably heard people say that they were in the 'right place at the right time' They are attributing their success to their environment.

The second level is Behaviour: (the what).

This is our actions: what we do. In NLP behaviour includes thoughts as well as actions. Our behaviour is designed to achieve a purpose, although what this may be may not always be clear, even to us. Sometimes an unwanted behaviour such as smoking is difficult to change because it is closely connected with other levels.

The third level is Capability: (the how)

This is the level of skill: behaviours that we have practised so often they have become consistent and automatic. These include both thinking strategies and physical skills. We all have many basic skills, such as walking and talking, and skills we have learnt such as mathematics and typing.

The fourth level is Beliefs and Values: (the why)

This is what we believe is true and what is important to us. beliefs and values direct our lives, they are both permissions and prohibitions on how we act. Some beliefs we pick up ready made, others we form from our experience. We are capable of holding conflicting beliefs and values, resulting in actions that contradict each other over time.

The fifth level is Identity: (the who)

Identity is your sense of yourself, your core beliefs and values that define who you are and your mission in life. Your identity is very consistent, although you can build, develop and change it.

Finally the sixth level is the spiritual level

Your connection to others and to that which is more than your identity

In order to develop, you need to identify which level you want to make a change at, and then which level you will intervene in order to do so.

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