July - Astrology and Predictions


By: Carol Willis

Astrology recognizes that entertaining others is "a creative self-expression of the individual." Viewing entertainment is "a joyful way to re-create ourselves."

Entertaining others is more active, while viewing entertainment is more passive. However entertainers need to be in communication with their audiences in an intuitive feedback loop, and audiences need to stay awake to the larger process going on.

Unfortunately, many people use entertainment as a socially-acceptable way to be passive and to "go to sleep" in consciousness. When people want to "be entertained," they want to get away from day-to-day concerns and preoccupations. They want to be temporarily distracted, but need to be distracted in a way that renews, and allows them to return to their lives with new hope and new vigor, maybe even inspired. It's useful to learn how to stay "awake" in consciousness, and to gravitate toward and select entertainment that enhances awareness and renews at the same time.

Astrologically, entertainment is represented by the 5th house of creativity and recreation. The Sun and the sign Leo represent individuality, vitality and creative expression. Rounding out the picture, the planet Jupiter offers humor and expanded vision. Uranus gives creative tension, lights, and surprise. Neptune creates grand illusions with stories, color and imagination. Pluto allows us to become deeply involved in what's going on and gives intense emotion. Saturn reveals the moral to the story and lessons learned.

If we've fallen into the rut, or abyss as the case may be, of taking ourselves far too seriously, then we need good humor to lighten things up and put ourselves into a good humor. Enter Jupiter, assisted by Uranus. Jupiter is big enough to have room enough for everybody, so takes us all in and shows us a new angle on something. This angle is so unexpected, and yet so true, we all laugh. We gain a new measure of freedom and enlightenment from the expanded viewpoint.

The dark side of humor is Pluto, the tragedy of ridicule and put-downs. Humor at others' expense is "toxic humor." Toxic humor is a control game, very popular and acceptable in our present culture, and therefore very insidious. Who benefits by supporting toxic humor? Is the hostility of toxic humor really justified by releasing tensions or "being a good sport"? Is the pain of being the butt of a joke really justified by saying "lighten up, don't take yourself so seriously," which adds insult to injury? I bring this subject up because no one likes to be on the receiving end of toxic humor. Why perpetrate something you wouldn't want to receive? Why play the game of cheap shots just to get a laugh with a dark underside and a karmic backwash from cruelty?

Whether we offer or seek entertainment, we as conscious beings need to make the distinction between that which destroys life vs. that which enhances life, that which degrades the spirit vs. that which fulfills the spirit. The difference may affect the course of civilization, so vote wisely. Let Spirit, as reflected in your feeling, knowing and responsibility levels, be your guide in all things.

(Hint: If you know your Rising Sign, also known as the Ascendant, read your horoscope for that sign, as it will often give you a better reading than for your Sun sign. To find out your Rising Sign, ask an astrologer to calculate your birthchart. You'll need full birthdate, exact time of birth as shown on the birth certificate, and city/state/country of birth.)

ARIES (March 21-April 20) (or Aries Rising):

Aries explores strategic partnering in July. Extend yourself to meet with people, then go with the flow of spirit to explore win-win scenarios. Keep your natural enthusiasm but don't be impulsive in your new dealings. Take the time to go deeply and begin to remove layer after layer of uncertainty. Develop pilot projects to test both reality and sanity.

TAURUS (April 21-May 20) (or Taurus Rising):

Taurus needs to catch up on reading and communicate new ideas during July. Some of your new ideas make good business sense -- and you take that to the bank! This summer might be ideal to take a trip overseas, maybe mix business with pleasure. Put your foreign language or publishing skills to work. Brush up on foreign customs and diversity before you go.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21) (or Gemini Rising):

July is potentially a very romantic time for Gemini this year. You're looking very attractive, and are meeting and talking with just the right people. Who knows what could develop?! Finances look good, and now is time to review your financial plans and portfolio. Make liquid investments that you can flexibly manage as events unfold in future months.

CANCER (June 22-July 22) (or Cancer Rising):

Cancer enjoys relationship success and increased confidence now, but there are changes in partnerships and legalities that will need your loving care this month. You're in charge, setting the pace! Some changes may have to do with money or property management, contracts and agreements, or special arrangements. Consider getting an expert opinion before signing anything.

LEO (July 23-August 23) (or Leo Rising):

Leos take it easy and get some well-deserved rest. A luxurious cruise or a yoga retreat might be just the ticket now. Or maybe you'd prefer sailing or a condo on the beach? Balance social opportunities with solitude and contemplation. You're regenerating yourself in preparation for your year ahead, starting with your birthday. Set your sights high, and prepare now to create something big after your birthday.

VIRGO (August 24- Sept 23) (or Virgo Rising):

Virgo makes all the right connections and re-connections in July to further social and business reputation. You're especially charming right now and can just about write your own ticket, if you're willing to risk a little and put yourself out there. Be seen and have fun showing off! Make a list of those with whom you want to connect and re-connect, then GO for it!

LIBRA (Sept 24- Oct 23) (or Libra Rising):

Librans are making a good impression and bonding where it counts. Entertain well in your beautiful home or other favorite venue. You don't need to spend a lot of money to make people feel comfortable, show them gracious living, show them you're interested in the future you can co-create. Explore worldviews, speculate about the future together, lay down new track.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 21) (or Scorpio Rising):

Your commitment is showing! Where is your commitment now? Not where do you think it is, not where do you think it should be, not where do others want it to be. Where is YOUR commitment? Clue #1: where do you feel most attracted, most energetic, most alive, most spontaneous, most YOU? Therein lies your true commitment. Clue #2: if you have to think about it, or if you have any doubts at all, it's not true commitment.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21) (or Sagittarius Rising):

Sagittarians are completing old cycles. Keep it simple, and stay organized to maintain freedom and flexibility. The wheels are grinding deeply and the effects show up in family finances, business deals, sexuality, dreams, and gut-level feeling. Ask yourself: Where is the freedom? Where do I feel most alive? How can I let go with dignity? What is my deepest truth in any circumstance?

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19) (or Capricorn Rising):

Business success continues for Capricorn. You're in demand with accumulated expertise. Encounters with significant others raises questions about the future of partnering. Don't be in a rush to make any decisions in this area. You want to make new arrangements that allow for greater freedom and spontaneity, and that allow you to devote time to work as you so choose.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18) (or Aquarius Rising):

Aquarius picks up steam with projects that have been incubating for the last few months. Don't worry about "everybody else being on vacation." Create fun meetings and vacation jaunts that mix business with pleasure. Make deals by the pool or in a restaurant overlooking the ocean. You can pull "political" strings outside of the public view, and are powerful in consolidating your gains now.

PISCES (Feb 19 - March 20) (or Pisces Rising):

Pisces shifts into power-mode with new ideas and plans that promise freedom in the workplace. Vision is almost a religion with you, so press your visions into service and create change where it counts. Can you say "re-organization"? Your boldness will not go unnoticed. Business networking gets the nod. Enjoy the romantic life at home.


CAROL WILLIS, M.A., has been a professional astrologer, expert intuitive, and educator in Silicon Valley since 1970. Specialties include career transitions, business, professional growth, relationship compatibility, and relocation astrology. She writes for the Psychic Reader every other month, alternating with Carol Cilliers. Carol Willis may be reached for consultations at (408) 720-9441, or email cbwillis@netcom.com.

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