Resolution of Joy

Learning from the Children

By: Alex Campbell

From dancing in a Somali refugee camp to playing snowballs in Bosnia, the children ask us to remember them as they show us how to find some joy and happiness under the most difficult circumstances. Not for them the cynical attitudes of today's materialism, sweeping the world along in an avalanche of consumerism, how long can they keep the knowledge we are all born with, to experience the human capacity for joy, before they are swept away by societies disparaging attitude, drowning them in garbage in all its forms. Michael Jackson sings it in his latest song and video, he says it with passion, and yes, I can hear the cynics discounting him, and with this discounting, the message is swept away.

Ah! but the children hear his message loud and clear. What will they ask of us?. Will the demand for change become so strong that, combined with their growing ability to communicate with each other across the world, we will be unable to resist. Michael Jackson is using his own commercial environment and his egocentricity to express our unacknowledged fears. Combining artistic musical and media skills he has succeeded in attracting the attention of the unsuspecting.

The Weaver has a resolution for 1996 to allow itself to be touched by listening and caring, we must nuture this child, the World Wide Web, as it grows in consciousness and acts as a partner in the expanding connections being made.

In this issue we allow this partnership to grow in Michael Cohen's series 'Reconnecting with Nature' and Rosalind's introduction to 'Power Spots', those special places we all have in our hearts, allowing us to access the deeper knowledge and memories contained in the earth itself. On a human scale we explore individual journeys in the search for individual freedom and fulfilment of our early dreams. In 'Journeys'and 'I Looked Up'. The Sufi ideal on underlying unity in the spiritual message is contained in both True Religionand 'The Dark of the Year'.

We would like to know your resolutions for 1996, you can do so by using the forms below. In February there will be a Weaver interactive discussion forum and you may also wish to be included in this.

We will continue to explore the nature of our consciousness, to dispel the myth of our loneliness, which arises from our having forgotten, in adulthood, our origins and interconnectedness with all life. Together we can act as individuals in our daily lives, using whatever potential we have, to enable our resolutions and find our effectiveness in each individual community. Together these individual actions can affect the nature of the global consciousness.

Alex Campbell


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