Rosanna and ChinookÆs Travels in the Dreamtime

By: Alex Campbell

Images By: Stephen Harper

In a country full of the golden sun there lived a wild gypsy girl, her name was Rosanna. She lived with her Grandmother who loved her dearly, and yet she was lonely. She had no other children to share her wild spirit with. One day, her Grandmother who knew of these things, gave her a ring. The ring was a crystal clear blue diamond.

As Rosanna looked into the ring she saw that the moon and the stars were there. They jumped into her eyes. Now the child with the moon and the stars in her eyes looked again into the ring and she saw the clear white snowy plains, the great glaciers and the ice blue skies the other side of the world.

In this world there lived a boy called Chinook who also lived with his Grandmother and was very lonely. He was a very gentle boy and yet there were no other children to share his gentleness with. The Grandmother knew this as Grandmothers always know and gave Chinook a ring of amber, full of the colour of the golden sun.

Chinook looked into the ring and the golden sun jumped into his eyes and he could clearly see the land of warm breezes and golden days.

Then there appeared a white unicorn, his head held proud and high, yet his eyes full of the wonder of the world. He said to the wild gypsy girl with stars in her eyes and the gentle golden eyed boy that they may climb upon his back and that they would have many great adventures together and travel the land wherever they wished to go. There would be many stories to tell and they would never be lonely again. So Rosanna and Chinook joined hands, she with her wild nature and he with his gentleness, and climbed on the back of the unicorn, they were truly beautiful as they traveled into the dreamtime.

The mystical unicorn and the two children passed through many lands some they recognised from their own reality, others seemed to them to come from the realms of fantasy. There were crystal fountains, trees, flowers and plants with colours so brilliant they seemed to shimmer in a haze of light. The animals were equal with the people and strangely there seemed no need of language. There was music in plenty, in fact the very air seemed filled with it. As they passed the people crowded round them, touching them with soft stroking fingers welcoming them to the world of the dreamers. We need you they said, in your dreams, you can visit many places and each time you will find someone who needs help. Sometimes it is dangerous so you will need courage but you will have each other and the Unicorn will always return to take you home.

They landed with a jolt in a strange land...........................

Can you tell a story of Rosanna and ChinookÆs dreamtime adventure together?

A selection of their adventures will be in 'The Weaver' during the next few months.

If you would like to illustrate the story or send your story in writing please send to: The Weaver, c/o IHL, 76 Neal Street, London, WC.2H 9PA.UK

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