Editorial - Golden Teardops of Autumn

By: Alex Campbell

We have a rich feeling of past and present journeys weaving the complex patterns found in the human search for meaning and soul satisfaction in this month's issue. From a new look at 'Scrooge' and a modern search for values in 'Look-up' to the part nature plays in our journey of self and ego onwards to a wider discovery of universal inner meaning.

The journey of 'The Weaver', a journey of communication across the boundaries of the world into each other's backyard and down the alleyways of the human personna is accurately reflected. At times uncertain, always needing reassurance, following the openings, often finding gold, sometimes a blind alley, but always journeying onwards. The character of 'The Weaver' is evolving, from you the readers, our writers and artists who give their time so generously.

Walking in the woods, feeling introspective and still immersed in this month's articles, I tried to understand the human condition, I found myself suddenly melancholy in melancholie's most beautiful aspect, that of the poet. I watched the golden teardrops of autumn slowly floating to the ground, I smelt the musky sweet smell of damp decay and allowed it all to pervade my senses, I stopped analysing and just became. It was enough.

So, I thought, that is how 'The Weaver' will evolve, it will just become, from the golden teardrops of the human soul we will make poetry and prose with nature's beauty and it's melancholy.

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