Channeling - A critical view(1)

Channeled Information - A Political Hot Spot

By: Rita Louise

Recently, there have been a number of books written which identify the "authors" as higher dimensional beings coming from the Pleiades, Sirius, or other planetary system. As I read these books and meditated on the information provided, I began to question the underlying, unspoken motives of the authors. I found this particularly true in the books entitled "The Pleiadian Agenda" by Barbara Hand Clow and "You Are Becoming A Galactic Human" by Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle.

According to Sahya , Keeper of the Library on Alcyone, in the "The Pleiadian Agenda", our solar system entered into what is called the Photon Belt in 1987. Our orbit into the photon belt has been increasing each year, until we will be fully within the belt by the year 2012. This date happens to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar. The impact of the photon belt on us, is that it is giving us an opportunity to release physical, emotional and spiritual dis-ease as we bring our negative karma into present time. To do this, we are required us to follow our feelings with or without verification, thus allowing us to manifest our true needs and desires instantaneously. We would then provide the Pleiadians with all of our information which would be stored within the Library on Alcyone. The book is presented in very loving, fourth chakra style, aimed to gain our confidence and trust in the Pleiadians as they guide us though this period of transition.

In "We Are Becoming Galactic Humans", Washta and two other Sirian council members also discuss how our planet will be entering into the photon belt, except here we will enter into the belt between March of 1995 thru December of 1996. They identify this period as "the end of time" as described in the Bible and other prophecies, which will allow for ascension and transformation into fully conscious galactic humans. According to Washta, the planet will enter into a period of literal darkness that will last for three days. The planet will loose it's electromagnetic field, resulting in the inability to utilize electrical equipment of all kinds including lights, cars, and even water that is supplied to our homes. To help us through this period, we are told that the Sirians will come to Earth and teach us how to work with "Photon" energy as a replacement for carbon based technology. We will then be allowed to shift from a 3rd dimensional existence to a 5th dimensional existence, where we will "adopt the Lyran/Sirian culture and be under the protection of Sirius". The information presented in this book invokes a first chakra based fear and a threat to our survival here on earth.

But what are Sahya's and Washta's real agendas? Who are these entities? What credentials do they have that make them better than us? If there is only one ultimate reality, then why do they present different versions of our planets ongoing evolution?

When I look at the information being presented by these two groups, it reminds me of a presidential election, with one party blaming and smearing the other parties good name. The Pleidians blame the Anunnaki (a 4th dimensional race, documented in the Bible as "God"), while the Sirians blame the Pleidians for all the problems experienced on Earth today. In turn, the Pleidians warn us about the Sirians, telling us that we shouldn't listen to them, and in no uncertain terms that they are full of themselves. Meanwhile, both groups vie for power and control of our energy and emotions trying to get us on their side as they align our energies with the Galactic Federation, a stellar bureaucratic institution who's laws and regulations we are currently unaware of.

Now, if these individuals are speaking to us from what we consider a level of higher consciousness, which includes unconditional love and a deep compassion for mankind's health and welfare, then why are they in competition with each other? Isn't competition one of the things we want to leave behind as we grow as spirit? It appears to me that the Pleidians could be using fourth chakra "love" energy to manipulate us, because working and speaking through love is something we aspire to. The Sirians, on the other hand, could be using first chakra fear/survival energy to control us because it has worked on this planet before, keeping us in line with the powers that be.

Taken together, the whole thing reminds me of Hansel and Grettle. For many of us, we are unhappy with our lives, and our homes here on earth, so we seek out in search of a better life. On our journey we find a place that attracts us with it's glitter and shine and hope for a better tomorrow. So we start to take in this information, without thinking about who it belongs to, or what price we will have to pay in the end for our ignorance. By accepting this information as truth, we may be opening the oven door and pushing ourselves in, soon to become yard art for some wicked old witch or alien space being from another dimension.

While I hope not to invalidate either author, I feel is up to each of us to stop, look and listen to what is going on deep inside. It is time for us to take responsibility for ourselves and our planet, instead of looking for a Messiah to come in the eleventh hour and save us. When we look deep inside, we already know what needs to be done in order for us to create joy, love and compassion in our world. We just need to do it. So just do it!

Rita Louise is a nationally know Clairvoyant who has been performing Clairvoyant readings for over 15 years. She is a skilled Spiritual Healer, Psychic Surgeon, Reiki Master and Certified Hypnotherapist. Rita is the founder of the North End Psychic Fair. She can be contacted by calling (206)355-9399 or visit her web site at

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