Caterpillars and Butterflies

By: Joe Lambert (Aged 6)

The butterfly is a caterpillar, it makes a cone. It makes its cone on a twig. it does crack its cone. The butterfly comes out of its cone. the butterfly dries its wings then it can fly . the butterfly flies over the fence and the trees and the butterfly sometimes gets killed.

The butterfly have pretty patterns on their wings. the butterfly lands on a flower you look at the butterfly on the flower then it flies off .

You will find another one in the woods, look a pretty butterfly. I like butterflies some butterflies have blue and yellow wings. ....... or purple and orange and white stripes and some of them have mixed up wings.


From The Editor

For humans the butterfly has always been the symbol of life, death and rebirth. The Butterflies constant movement led to the term æto be a butterflyÆ never settling anywhere for long but full of high spirits. The Greek myth of Psyche, personification of the soul, whose name also means butterfly, tells how she captures the heart of Eros, the God of Love, with her beauty.

Well that's what I know about butterflies. What do you know?

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