The Kali Yantra

The Dakshinakali yantra conforms to the general pattern of all Shakti yantras but has its own particular form. In the centre is a group of five triangles. Each point represents one of the fifteen Kali Nityas or eternities, one for each day of the waning Moon. In the eight petals are eight Bhairavas and eight Bhairavis, coupling together. Bhairava means terrifying, and these couples are particularised aspects of Dakshina Kalika, conforming to the eight tantrik directions. This is also the Kaula circle where males and females congregate on one of the dark days of the Moon to perform their uncanny rites. Each subsidiary Kali Nitya has her own yantra and mantra conforming to the nature of each of the days of the dark fortnight of the Moon.

Artwork is © Jan Bailey, 1995. Translations are © Mike Magee 1995. For more information, send e-mail to

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