Q: What is Svecchacharya? A: It's a Sanskrit compound word which means the path of acting according to one's own will -- in other words independently. According to Natha teaching, a human being has three energies or Shaktis called Iccha (Will), Jnana (Knowledge) and Kriya (Action). When these function together a person has full access to all other energies and is the Fourth. This is sometimes symbolised by a downward pointing triangle with a dot in the centre. "Meditate in your heart lotus that in the centre of the ocean of nectar is a raised island. In the woodland of Aeon trees there is a beautiful canopy made of nine rubies. Under it is a throne fashioned from nine jewels. On that throne, on a triangular seat within a lotus is Lord Shiva and Goddess Ambika ornamented with the Moon and the Sun forming one half of his body. Beautiful as 10s of millions of gods of love, and young as a sixteen year old, She-He smiles. He-She wears celestial clothes, ornaments and garlands of flowers and Her-His body is smeared with sandal paste. She-He has 3 eyes and is always blissful" (Kularnava Tantra pp85-86)