Q: What do the Adinathas believe? A: The Nathas aim to know, rather than to believe. Within every man and woman is the hidden but radiant and self shining being. To call it by any name is to lessen it. A human being is already accomplished, a yogi or yogini. It is conditioning and other factors which prevent this from shining forth. The Nathas are yogis and yoginis. In each individual Shiva and Shakti co-exist in equipoise. When they unite, the resulting bliss lights up the physio-psychological complex which is the Universe. Much of the alchemy the Nathas used was based on the proposition that Breath is Time. According to the Nathas, a human being breathes 21,600 times during a 24 hour day. Half of these breaths are Sun (Shiva) breaths and half are Moon (Shakti) breaths. The outbreathing is Ha and the inbreathing Sa. This is the so-called involuntary mantra HamSah. One who has united the Solar and Lunar breaths is a Paramahamsa (beyond Hamsa). These 21600 breaths are also related to the 21600 seconds of the zodiac arc. The breath is affected by time and by various cosmic phenomena, inherent at breath. This is the Kalachakra or wheel of Time. The Natha aims to fight conditioning and to become free from Time.