Q: What are the aims of the Adinathas? A: The Kularnava Tantra, one of the highest and best of all the tantrik texts, makes this clear. "Old age prowls like a tiger; age diminishes like water in a broken pot. So as long as this body exists, a person should earnestly devote himself towards the exploration of the ultimate truth." "In the various worldly pursuits, time flies unnoticed. Involved in his pleasures and his pains, the individual remains unaware of his self interests." "This world plunged as it is in the fathomless ocean of time, an individual does not recognise the lurking crocodiles of death, disease and old age." "Therefore do today what is required to be done tomorrow. Do in the morning what is meant to be done in the afternoon, because death waits not to see what is done or not done." "If people could get liberated by smearing themselves with dust and ashes, are all the country folk, who live amidst dust and ashes liberated?" "Goddess, parrots and mynah birds recite before people sacred words with delight. Are they to be regarded as great scholars from such talk?" "Animals like pigs bear the winter cold and summer heat and for them food fit or unfit is alike, are they Yogis thereby?" "Lady of the clans, such privations and self denials are only for deceiving the world while direct knowledge of truth alone is the means for liberation."