Q: What is AMOOKOS A: AMOOKOS stands for the Arcane Magical Order of the Knights of Shambhala. Lokanath Maharaj started this organisation in 1982. Dadaji came to London in 1981 and stayed with an Indian family for about 18 months. During this period he encouraged me to compile some grade papers for an organisation which would act as a training ground for would-be magicians. These papers, which Lokanath wrote and which Dadaji read and gave his enthusiastic support to, became the basis for the group called the Arcane Magical Order of the Knights of Shambhala (AMOOKOS). Subsequently some were published in Mandrake's book, "AMOOKOS Magick" which I wrote. Over the next four or five years, international membership of AMOOKOS grew to over 200 individuals, with several chartered to start lodges of their own. Although structured in nine "degrees", in reality the grade papers extended only up to the fifth degree. One prominent member of AMOOKOS was Donald Michael Kraig, who ran a lodge in California in the 1980s. The material published in AMOOKOS Magick was originally presented to individuals for training purposes. Much of the material is tantrik but presented in the English language for clarity and to avoid Indian words and jargon. After people had successfully completed three of the degrees, I felt the individuals could discard the paraphernalia. Every individual who was initiated also became an initiate of the Adinatha sect. Anyone duly initiated into AMOOKOS in the past is a fully fledged Natha and she or he has the right to think for herself or himself. In our group we had a wide cross spectrum of people with varied and different interests. It was my hope that sufficient people would work on themselves and, in due course, cause the flowering of different schools, each perhaps differing in their aims and approaches but still working towards the same goals.