
SisterSpirit is a women's spirituality organization honoring the Divine Feminine and celebrating Goddess in all Her forms. Our celebrations are Goddess rituals, within a cast circle, invoking the directions, raising energy, and working magic. We also hold rituals in other paths, such as our Feminist Christian Communion, and celebration of some Christian and Jewish holidays. We will celebrate rituals in other traditions as our community desires. Make us an offer! Some of the many traditions we include are: Dianic, Wicca, Pagan, Women's Spirituality, Goddess, Feminist, Interfaith, Earth Centered, Creation Spirituality, Christian, Jewish, Sufi, and New Age.

Last modified: 5 July 1996

Our Webmistress is leaving, so these pages won't change much for a while during the transition. The What's New at SisterSpirit pages will be the first to start changing when we switch over to our new webmistress. In the meantime, we will still be getting your mail, so keep in touch!

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Some of Our Rituals
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Pagans in Portland, Oregon
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SisterSpirit's Goddess Rituals

Celebrations of women's spirituality are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 6:00 PM in Portland Oregon US. Rituals are outdoors in the summertime. In the colder months, they are held indoors to avoid our famous Oregon rain. All women and children are welcome to our rituals and we are always wheelchair accessible. If you are ever in the Portland area, come join us! Please see our Online Calendar of Events for the other events we hold. For those of you who couldn't be with us, we'll describe a few of the rituals in the pages linked to just below. There's enough detail for anyone to use these programs to plan rituals of their own.

February 1996 Ritual: Lighting the Inner Fires

Our February ritual was our traditional Fire festival honoring the quickening of the seed, the season of preparation and dedication that precedes the rebirth of Spring. We honor all the Fire Goddesses, but especially Brigid. The Lady of the Flames touched all of us in our Imbolc ritual this year.

January 1996 Ritual: The Goddess Within

January is in the heart of winter, when the seasonal festivals are over, the weather turns severe, and we spend more time indoors. Winter is a season of rest, reflection, and recharge. We celebrated this in our deep-winter ritual, The Goddess Within.

SisterSpirit's Creation Centered Ritual

The Celtic Cross: A Cross in a Circle was our Creation-centered ritual inspired by the teachings of Matthew Fox. The imagery of the Celtic Cross, the Cross within the circle, shows the unity of all that the Word Creates. This one was one of our Feminist Christian Communion Celebrations.

SisterSpirit's December 1995 Wintertide Ritual - The Festival of Lights

A little about our magazine and links

Visit our SisterSpirit Links for a wide variety of links to alternative and not so alternative religious and feminist pages! Really, these are fun links, so take a look.

Sample an online version of our Women's Spirituality Magazine Spirited Women. We write about all kinds of things in our magazine from articles about the Goddess in the Bible to articles about what it means to be pagan to the musings of some of our wiser kitties.

Best of the Best Pagan Web Sites

Amethyst's Pagan Parlor is a wonderful collection of Pagan pages and resources. The list of online Pagan publications is particularly fine.

Starhawk now has her own Web site, Starhawk's Home Page. Starhawk's book, The Spiral Dance, has been a major influence in Goddess and neoPagan spirituality. It's the first book we recommend for anyone interested in these paths. In fact, it's almost required reading!

Also on the Web now is the home page for the Reclaiming Collective. Is there a Goddess or neoPagan circle that doesn't sing one of the Reclaiming chants? You can find out how to order one of their tapes, look at recent issues of the Reclaiming Newsletter, and find out what Reclaiming events are coming up.

NeoPaganism in Portland, Oregon

There are many NeoPagan groups in Portland. The best way to find out about them is to contact the Nine Houses of Gaia, either through their home page or by picking up a copy of their magazine, Open Ways. They list many spiritual groups in and around Portland, Oregon. This is a really valuable community resource and is not to be missed.

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