
The Urantia Book is not a complete religion, like others described in this WWW site. It does not have a clergy, a creed that one is required to believe in, or rules of behaviour that one must follow. It is a book which has spawned an organization, the Urantia Foundation, and a network of spiritual study groups (some affiliated with the Urantia Brotherhood Association, and others with the Fifth Epochal Fellowship). It is also used by individuals of many religions, primarily Christian, as a spiritual guide.

The book describes Urantia to be an ancient name for the planet earth. It is a large book with over two thousand pages and almost 200 individual essays that reveal information about:


During the 1920's and 1930's, a Chicago psychiatrist, Dr. W.S. Sadler (1875-1969) became very interested in an unusual case. Sadler had been asked to examine a patient after the patient's wife noticed he was talking in his sleep, and seemed to be speaking for various supermortal personalities, called revelators. The name of this person has been kept secret and the exact manner of communication is not clear. However, Dr. Sadler insisted that this process did not involve spiritualism, channeling, or automatic writing. The contact personality was entirely unconscious (asleep) during the transmission, and had little or no interest in the process when awake. The material that eventually became the Urantia Book was received during the years 1934-35. Sadler organized a group of interested persons, called the Forum, to review and discuss this material. The Urantia Foundation, administered by a five member board, was formed as a non-profit educational group in 1950.

The Urantia book was originally published in English, during 1955; it has since been translated into Finnish, French and Spanish.

The Urantia Book contains four parts, composed of individual essays contributed by celestial beings of various orders:

There are many concepts in the book which are directly traceable to earlier works by human authors, including scientists and early Seventh-Day Adventists teachers. The celestial revelators explain that they are required to make use of existing human concepts wherever possible.

There have been four other major events in the history of mankind, which also contained important revelation from celestial beings. The life of Jesus was the fourth. The Urantia book is regarded as the Fifth Epochal Revelation.

Teachings of the Urantia Book

The book covers a multitude of subjects including theology, cosmology, evolution, anthropology, and history. Consequently, it is difficult to summarize its teachings. Here are a few selected concepts:


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