Taoism SymbolTAOISM

History of Taoism

Tao can be roughly translated into English as path. The founder of Taoism was Lao-Tse (604-531 BCE). He was a contemporary of Confucius. It started as a philosophy but evolved into a religion in 440 CE when it was adopted as a state religion. At that time Lao-Tse became venerated as a deity.

It, along with Buddhism and Confucianism, became the three great religions of China. Taoism currently has about 20 million followers, and is primarily centred in Taiwan. About 30,000 Taoists live in North America; 1,720 in Canada (1991 census).

Taoist Beliefs

Beliefs include:

Taoist Texts

These include:

Some Internet References

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