We have been unable to find published studies which describe the outcome of recovered memory therapeutic techniques.

This is surprising, because tens of thousands of psychiatrists, psychologists, religious counselors, secular counselors etc are believed to utilize RMT extensively in the United States and Canada. And full time therapists generally have dozens of patients or clients every year.

Such therapists are proceeding with a therapeutic technique of unknown reliability and with unknown hazards. From the sheer weight of numbers of RMT clients, one would expect a high priority would have been given to evaluating RMT to make certain that (as a minimum) it is safe.

Preliminary RMT Study on Ritual Abuse Recovered Memories

One preliminary study was completed by the Department of Labor and Industries of the State of Washington. Unfortunately, it apparently deals only with recovered memories of ritual abuse. It tells us nothing about regular "non-ritual" childhood sexual abuse because no such cases were included in the study.

The State of Washington has a Crime Victims Compensation Program which gives money to people who have been the victims of criminal acts. In 1990, they allowed individuals who had recovered previously repressed memory of childhood sexual abuse to apply for compensation. 670 repressed memory claims were filed between 1991 and 1995. 325 of these were allowed. An employee of the Department (Loni Parr RN) apparently selected all of the claims which involved ritual abuse; 183 in total. She then selected 30 cases at random from the 183. She and another Department employee (Rachel Brown) found:

Conclusions from Preliminary Study

The Ritual Abuse remembered in all but one of these cases were believed to have been perpetrated by underground, inter-generational groups who worship Satan. We have shown that this type of Satanic Ritual Abuse almost certainly does not exist. We expect that all of the cases involved false memories, that none of the ritual abuse actually happened, and the destruction of emotional health and disruptions in family relationships could have been prevented.

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