Numerous numbers of adults are recovering "memories" during therapy. Obtaining an accurate estimate is impossible. Some indicators are: Unfortunately, both of the surveys described above do not give a complete picture. Almost all of the therapists sampled were highly trained. There are also untold numbers of less qualified persons engaged in therapy and counselling: Social Workers, Medical doctors, Christian counselors, Sexual Assault Center counselors and volunteers, Women's Center counselors and volunteers, etc. It is impossible to obtain an accurate estimate of their total numbers, let alone information of the therapeutic methods used. Many jurisdictions allow persons to engage in psychotherapy without any academic training at all. Volunteer based groups are essentially unregulated. These groups remain a mystery.
If recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse are all real, then they are proof of arguably the most serious social problem to ever face North American society. If they are all false, then they represent a truly massive amount of therapy-created mental disability, responsible for the destruction of countless loving families. Reality lies somewhere between these two extremes.

On the topic of repressed and recovered memories, a member of the American Psychological Association stated (18) "nothing less than the integrity of the mental health professions and the trust inherent in the client-therapist relationship is at stake."

Unfortunately, many professional societies are paralyzed; they hesitate to take a definitive stand against repressed/recovered memories because doing so would leave their members exposed to law suits of a truly horrendous magnitude. A solution to the problem will probably come in time from insurance companies who tire of paying large settlements to therapists who use memory recovery therapy.

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