Makeup of the Study

A massive study of ritualistic child abuse was completed in the fall of 1994. (1) It was funded by the US Federal Government's National Centre on Child Abuse and Neglect.

They obtained responses from over 6900 clinicians (psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and social workers); and from over 4600 agencies (county District Attorneys, Departments of Social Services and municipal Law Enforcement agencies).

They uncovered over 12,000 cases of suspected ritual abuse. But when they looked for cases that they could say with some confidence actually exhibited evidence of abuse, they found only one.

Dr. Gail Goodman, a psychologist at the University of California at Davis led the study. She said "After scouring the country, we found no evidence for large-scale cults that sexually abuse children". She continued: "While you would not expect to find corroborating evidence in many sexual abuse cases, you would expect it when people claim the rituals involved murders, and the reported cases come from district attorneys or police...If there is anyone out there with solid evidence of satanic cult abuse of children, we would like to know about it."

David Lloyd, the director of the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (the funding agency) said "Since the McMartin preschool case there have been claims of ritualistic and sadistic child abuse in cases all over the country, and we've been concerned. The survey was to see just how well-founded these concerns are - if these are just based on mistaken perceptions or there is some firm evidence."

Results of the Study

Some of their findings include:


Clearing House on Child Abuse & Neglect Information, Characteristics & Sources of Allegations of Ritual Child Abuse, Suite 350, 3998 Fair Ridge Dr., Fairfax VA, 22033, $20 US. Issued 1994-Fall. Free summary available by calling (703) 385-7565.
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