
The New Age Movement is in a class by itself. Unlike most formal religions, it has no holy text, central organization, formal clergy, dogma, creed, etc. It is in fact a network of believers who share similar beliefs. They have book stores instead of churches; seminars, books, and informal groups in place of sermons and religious services.

Some conservative Christians believe that a massive, underground New Age organization exists that is coordinating the infiltration of government, media, schools and churches. No such entity exists.

New Age teachings became popular during the 1970's as a reaction against what some perceived as the failure of Christianity and the failure of Secular Humanism to provide spiritual and ethical guidance for the future. Its roots are traceable to many sources: Hinduism, Gnostic traditions, Neo-paganism, Spiritualism, Theosophy, etc. The start of the movement is often considered to be 1971 with the publishing of the East-West Journal. Shirley MacLaine is perhaps their most famous figure. Tens of millions of people have embraced a few New Age beliefs and/or practices and grafted them onto their personal religion.

New Age Beliefs

A number of fundamental beliefs are held my many New Age followers:

The Age of Aquarius is a reference to the precession of the zodiac. The earth passes through each of the signs of the zodiac approximately every 24,000 years. Some believe that the earth entered the constellation Aquarius in the 19th Century, so that the present era is the dawning of the age of Aquarius. It is interesting to note that the previous constellation change was from Taurus the bull to Pisces the fish. It happened at a time when Christianity was emerging, and many individuals changed from animal sacrifice in the Jewish temple to embracing the teachings of Christianity whose prime symbol at the time was the fish.

New Age Practices

Many practices are common amongst New Agers:

The Canadian Census (1991) recorded only 1,200 people who identify their religion as being new age. However, this in no way indicates the influence of new age ideas in the country. Many people identify with Christianity and other religions, but incorporate many new age concepts into their faith.

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