The World Wide Web contains many sites which contain misinformation, hatred, ridicule and sarcasm directed at various faith groups. We have arbitrarily divided into them two categories:

Sites by Agnostics, Atheists, Freethinkers and Secularists

We have surfed some of these sites. Their membership and points of view tend to overlap.

The main Agnostic, Atheist, secular and freethinking WWW sites are certainly opposed to Christianity, but mainly use techniques of critical analysis, satire, humor and some ridicule.

Most of their pages are directed to:

We find some of their satire directed at individuals to be uncomfortably negative. But they cannot be classified as intolerance of the faith of others.

Some examples of intolerance, satire and ridicule were:

Religious Sites

The Atheist and similar WWW pages tend to use humour and satire in their opposition to Christianity. But we have to go to the Fundamentalist and other Evangelical Christian sites to see extreme examples of hatred and misinformation, in which various benign non-Christian groups are falsely accused of gross immorality, ritual murder, cannibalism, mutilation etc. These relatively few religious WWW sites direct their hatred and propaganda against small religious groups, homosexuals, persons promoting choice in abortion and physician assisted suicide, etc.

We do not wish to condemn Christianity alone; we do not wish to condemn Evangelical Christians alone. However, we have not been able to find any examples of hatred and misinformation in liberal or mainline Christian sites or in sites maintained by non-Christians.

Some of the more disgusting sites that we have found are:

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Internet and Book References Cited

  1. The Freethought Web is at:
  2. The McChurch Home page is at:
  3. Josh McDowell, Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Here's Life, San Barnadino CA (1992; 35th printing)
  4. A satire on Josh McDowell's book is at:
  5. The Snake Oil home page is at:
  6. The Exegesis magazine's anti-Semitic essay is at:
  7. The "Media House International has anti-Wiccan essays at:
  8. The Other Side of the News has some anti-homosexual essays at:
  9. The Ritual Abuse and Healing Home Page has ritual abuse misinformation at:

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