
The term homosexuality, like heterosexuality can refer either to:

During discussions of sexual orientation, a person may switch between these two meanings. This causes much confusion and misunderstanding. We recommend that the terms homosexual or heterosexual never be used in isolation, but always followed by either feeling or practices or suitable synonyms.

What is the Nature of Homosexuality?

There are many different beliefs. However, most people hold one of the following concepts:

  1. Homosexual Feelings as a Choice:

    Homosexuality is an evil, unnatural and sinful lifestyle. It is a matter of choice that can be changed at any time. It is caused in males by a emotionally distant father and/or by an aggressive mother. This causes men to not bond with other males as friends, but rather to look upon them as potential sexual partners. Keeping children ignorant of homosexuality will assure that they will grow up heterosexual. To grant homosexuals the same protection under law as is granted to other minorities is to give them "special privileges". If homosexuals are allowed to adopt children, they will raise them to become gay and lesbian adults. Recognizing long term, committed, monogamous homosexual partnerships or allowing them to marry will damage traditional heterosexual marriages.

  2. Homosexual Feelings as a Fixed Orientation:

    Homosexuality is a natural orientation for a minority of people. Like other sexual orientations, it is determined early in life, sometimes at conception. Most children grow up heterosexuals; the orientation of their parents and friends have little influence. Since gays and lesbians are extensively discriminated against, they need the same protections as are granted to other minorities. Recognizing gay and lesbian partnerships is simply accepting their equivalence to heterosexual marriages, and will not impact negatively on traditional marriages.

Varieties of Sexual Orientations

Some people believe that there are only two sexual orientations (feelings of sexual attraction):

This is not a useful model, because it ignores two minorities:

Most researchers into human sexuality look upon sexual orientation as a continuum:

Most researchers believe that one's orientation is fixed and unchangeable. A number of techniques have been used to try to suppress homosexual feelings and/or create heterosexual feelings:

None have succeeded. Some of these "therapies" can persuade homosexuals to be celibate. They can persuade bisexuals to confine their sexual activities to members of the opposite sex. But they cannot change one's feelings (one's sexual orientation).

What Determines a Person's Sexual Orientation?

As described above, most people believe in one of two mutually exclusive belief systems:
  1. Orientation is a decision made perhaps at puberty and can be changed at any time by prayer or counselling
  2. Orientation is fixed early, at least by the time the child reaches school age. In many cases, it occurs before birth; perhaps at conception; the cause is outside of a person's control.

The vast bulk of evidence favors the second belief:

Can a Person Change their Sexual Orientation?

There are two diametrically opposed beliefs about change:

The National Lesbian & Gay Health Association is studying the outcome experience of people who have been treated by ministries and individual therapies in an effort to convert them to homosexuality. Generally speaking, these groups do not publish their own data on outcomes. The NLGHA study is being conducted by Drs. Michael Schroeder & Ariel Shidlo, 412 6th Ave., Suite 602, New York, NY 10011; telephone: (212)353-2558; Email: gayconvert@aol.com Persons who have engaged in this form of therapy might wish to contact the researchers.

The American Psychiatric Association has stated "There is no evidence that any treatment can change a homosexual person's deep-seated sexual feelings for others of the same sex". A pamphlet by the American Psychological Association states "Scientific evidence does not show that conversion therapy works....It can do more harm than good."

As knowledge of sexual orientation increases, it is expected that conservative Christians will begin to recognize that sexual orientation is unchangeable, and will change their focus towards convincing homosexuals to abstain from sexual activity.

Is Homosexual Behaviour Normal and Natural?

This of course depends upon your definition of "normal". Homosexual behaviour certainly does not feel normal or natural for heterosexuals; they usually have strong feelings of revulsion towards the idea. Similarly, heterosexual behavior does not feel natural for homosexuals. Both homosexual and heterosexual behaviour feels natural to persons with bisexual orientation.

Homosexual behaviour is natural in the sense that it is extensively found in nature. It has been observed in: antelopes, boars, bulls, chimpanzees, cows, ducks, cats, dogs, fruit flies, geese, gorillas, gulls, horses, humans, langurs, rams, sheep, macaques, monkeys, turkeys and vervets.

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Useful References

  1. J.M. Bailey, R. C. Pillard, "A Genetic Study of Male Sexual Orientation", Archives of General Psychiatry, 48 (1991): 1089-96.
  2. J. M. Bailey, R. C. Pillard, et al, "Heritable Factors Influence Sexual Orientation in Women" Archives of General Psychiatry, 50 (1993): 217-23.
  3. J.A.Y. Hall & D. Kimura, "Dermatoglyphic Asymmetry and Sexual Orientation in Men", Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol. 108 #6, 1994-DEC, P. 1203-1206.
  4. Dean Hamer et al, "A Linkage Between DNA Markers on the X Chromosome and Male Sexual Orientation" Science 261 (1993-JUL-16): pp 321-27.
  5. Dean Hamer & Peter Copeland "The Science of Desire: The Search for the Gay Gene & the Biology of Behaviour", Simon & Schuster (1994)
  6. Elizabeth Gilbert, "Queer and Loathing", Spin Magazine, 1996-JUN (an article concerning Exodus International)
  7. The American Psychological Association has a FAQ page on homosexuality which answers many questions in simple language. See: http://www.butler.edu:80/~woodruff/alliance/APAAnswers.html

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