Topics covered in this page are:

What the Hebrew Scriptures say about the Death Penalty

In the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) the death penalty was required for a wide range of offenses. In the following passages from the King James Version of the Bible, Jehovah required the state to execute a person: Committing any of the above crimes required the state to kill the guilty person(s). They were either stoned to death, impaled or burned alive. Witnesses who testified at the trial would often participate in the killing.

God also killed individuals for other activities:

What the Christian Scriptures say about the Death Penalty

The Christian Scriptures (New Testament) do not contain codes of law which govern the death penalty. However there were many references to capital punishment which indicate that the Hebrew Scripture's codes were still being applied during the 1st century CE:

Capital Punishment in North America

Reasons for Capital Punishment

Reasons against Capital Punishment

Internet Resources

The last two references are particularly interesting. The former claims that Canadian and French data show that ending the death penalty lowers the homicide rate. The latter claims the opposite.

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