Early Warning Signs of Involvement in a Dangerous Cult

These signs were copied from the Institute for First Amendment Studies, Inc.'s home page:

They were intended to be a useful checklist to determine if you, a family member, or a friend has become involved in a destructive Bible based religious cult. However, it is applicable to non-Christian destructive cults as well.

Note that some of the following symptoms will be present to some degree in many churches, religious institutions, intentional communities, new religious movements, etc. When the symptoms become extreme, one should become concerned.

Signs of unhealthy involvement:

Author: Rick Ross, an exit-counselor
Copyright 1995 IFAS
Walk Away / ifas@crocker.com
Used by permission
NoteRick Ross was recently found guilty of conspiracy to limit the civil rights to freedom of religion of a member of a Pentecostal church. Evidence given at court indicated that the victim was kidnapped and forcibly confined for 5 days. However, the above guidelines appear to have some merit.

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