Key Words: CAS, CASA, CASR, child abuse, child protection, children's services, civil rights, CPS, DPASS, DPSS, DSS, DYFS, false accusations, family rights, fathers' rights, HHS, mothers' rights, parental rights, social services, VOCAL
Topics covered in this section are: * Information provided by the families of VOCAL - Victims Of Child Abuse Laws.

This material should not be interpreted as giving legal advice. We recommend that you consider the information only in conjunction with the services of your attorney. You can get information about lawyers in your area from:

Some attorneys have rates geared to your income; some will accept "pro bono" cases (without charge). --------------------------------------


Throughout North America, social workers employed by children's protective services are hopelessly overworked. They are required to make judgments that will seriously affect families. They generate much animosity and family disruption when they take a child into protection. And they are seriously criticized if they leave a child in a family who is subsequently abused.

Many have inadequate academic background, and knowledge of cultures and religions other than their own. Some are unaware of the ease which a false memory can be implanted into the mind of a child. The results can be disastrous. Abuses and errors in judgment are common. Innocent parents are drawn into a system that is out of control. --------------------------------------

NASVO: National Association of State VOCAL Organizations

We are VOCAL: a group of parents, children and others, who are family advocates. Our purpose is to see that children and their families are protected from all forms of abuse. VOCAL is a network of local and state organizations serving as nonprofit family advocacy agencies that provide emotional support and education.

The primary focus of VOCAL is individual and public education. Our goal is to increase the awareness of state and federal legislators and promote judicial law enforcement, social service and medical improvements.

VOCAL is for those who are falsely accused of abuse or neglect. False accusations result in innocent children being torn from their families, subjected to needless foster care, lengthy interrogations, intrusive physical examinations and unnecessary therapy due to misdiagnosis. This is bureaucratic child abuse. Abuse is abuse regardless of the source.

Statistics show that 60 to 80% of ALL accusations of child abuse are unfounded. This high rate of false accusations devastates innocent families and it diverts the efforts of those professionals involved in real abuse cases, reducing the care and help available to children who really need it. VOCAL strongly supports just and reasonable child abuse laws; however, VOCAL is opposed to social workers, attorneys, law enforcement officers and self-appointed "child advocates" who exceed their power, disregard the goals and intent of the laws, and thereby end up subjecting children to abuse.

Vocal maintains a national hotline at 1-800-745-8778.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE! If we join hands and work together, we CAN make a difference! --------------------------------------





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