Religion is a deeply personal and subjective topic. Any author who is deeply committed to one religion finds it profoundly difficult to write accurately about another religion. Even writing about another denomination or movement within her/his own religion is fraught with problems.

The vast bulk of such inter-religious books are exposes written by Evangelical or Fundamentalist(conservative) Christian authors about what they consider dangerous sects and cults: Christian Science, Islam, Mormons, New Age, Pagans, Satanists, Wiccans (Witches) etc. The quantity of such books about other religions is so huge, that authors are tempted to quote each other's writings as sources, rather than search out original material. As a result, the contents of many of these books becomes increasingly divorced from reality with time.

Many readers assume that because the authors are devout Christians, that they will have a very high standard of personal ethics, and will take great pains to be accurate in their writing. This is not necessarily true.

Most followers of all religions are reasonably decent folk. Hindus love their spouses and children, just as do Christians. If you find a book that demonizes all believers in a particular religion, by stating that they abuse children, engage in criminal acts, are unethical, etc, then you can safely assume that the book is filled with misinformation and can be ignored. You might consider writing a letter of complaint to the author, care of Author Relations Dept. of the publisher, with a copy to the publisher themselves. We have done this dozens of times. We have never received a response, or even an acknowledgment that the author or publisher received our letter. But at least they become aware of our opinions.

Some Evangelicals have become concerned about the amount of fraud, misuse of money and misinformation within their movement, and are conducting investigations of authors and ministries. According to Hertenstein & Trott of Cornerstone Magazine, "Crying Wind, Alberto Rivera, John Todd, Micheal Esses, Jowey LaVey, Lauren Stratford, Mike Warnke, Bob Larson and dozens of others have come under temporary Church scrutiny for their ministerial and moral lapses". Other groups, including Neo-Pagan agencies who are often victimized, are also searching for frauds. Chief among the investigators are:

+ Christian group. * Neo-Pagan group


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