The Hyperreal Tool Shed The _Hyperreal Tool Shed_ is a small collection of programs which may be of interest to people exploring the site. Hyperreal staff reserve the right to decide what goes into the Tool Shed; this is not a dumping ground for demos and screen savers, nor is it a general-purpose archive Before asking questions about sound files, read this information about sound files at Hyperreal. For further information, including how to contribute, please read "About The Tools Section". _________________________________________________________________ _[_ MS-DOS | MS-Windows 3.x | MS-Windows95 | Macintosh | UNIX and X-Windows | OS/2 _]_ _________________________________________________________________ ---| _sound_ |--- _MPEG Audio Tools_ MS-DOS | Mac | UNIX _:_ _Other Audio Tools_ MS-DOS | Mac | UNIX _:_ _MIDI and Musical Gear Tools_ See Music Machines ---| _graphics_ |--- _Eye Candy_ Mac | MS-DOS | Windows 3.x | Windows95 X-Windows _:_ _Image Viewers and Manipulators_ MS-DOS | Windows | Mac | UNIX _:_ _Video Tools_ Windows | Mac ---| _misc_ |--- _Odds & Ends_ MS-DOS | UNIX Amiga _________________________________________________________________ _Comments/questions about the Hyperreal Tool Shed to:_ _tools@hyperreal.com_ You must be on a fast link to transfer large files before the server times out. No links on this page? Append index.html to the URL. [ Up | Hyperreal Home ] _Last update to this page: 20 Mar 1996_