The Hyperreal "Hold Your Own" Archives


The DIY ( Do It Yourself ) archive was set up to show the rest of the raving world, through stories and reviews, what your everyday, average promoter goes through to pull together and throw a party. It has been put here, also, as a sort of "RAVE 101" where any aspiring promoter can gather some helpful information.

Each file is followed by a short description of its contents ( what kind of party, where was it, how did it go, etc. ). Most files tend to be around 10k but they range all the way from 2k to 20k. Have fun looking around and learning. Remember, the only way to make a positive impact on a shit scene is to be a shining example. If all else fails, DIY!

Please send new submissions and any questions to Thanks for stopping by! PLUR!


Mike Brown throws a small, friends only party in Yellow Springs, OH. It's not your typical RAVE at all. Basically, it's a bunch of good friends who got together for a night of eclectic music and ambient vibes.
Brian Sassone gives some basic advice on throwing a mid-scale party. There's lot's of good info for the completely clueless.
Jonathan Armstrong tells about his general experiences with throwing parties in the Colorado area. He's got some good ideas regarding DJ setup.
Devin J. Hanson threw a couple parties in the Salt Lake area with Deep. Here he reviews two successful parties he was involved in.
Craziness in the woods provided by Pete Ashdown and company. Sounds like the party went off. Even a passing alien decided to drop in and check it out.
Just when you think everything is going right something will come along a screw it up. Throwing parties is not just fun and games. Headaches are standard faire. ( Seeing the smiles of those last few groovers walking out the door makes it very worthwhile, though )
Again, this one has LOTS for the clueless. From the sounds of it, Arnold Baker has done tons to spread the vibe in the N. Carolina ( Duke Uni. specifically ) area.
If you EVER want to do an outdoor party then check this file out. There is a lot of stuff covered here by Brian that is very important in not only throwing an outdoor gig, but in keeping it respectful and bust-proof as well.
It sounds like this party, despite a few sound problems, completely went off. A lot of what has been said here has been said before in the above files but it's nice to read about a party that went off so bloody well.
John S. Lee tells how to pull off a successful underground party in the SF area. He also mentions a few places to completely avoid.
Despite big logistics problems even during the party and rave can still be good. Dealing with problems as quickly as possible ( and having good connections ) can save even the sorriest of situations.
Whoever said school dances were nothing but top 40 and posing obviously had never been to one promoted by Jonathan Hart. All it takes is a wired school and a little talent.
Some wise ravers at Akron U. decide that the traditional May Day festivities of tear gas and beer just aren't for them. In response they throw an event where PLUR is the norm and good times are had by all.
Somtimes everything just plain goes wrong. Nothing works out and you end up $2000 in the hole. Bringing Meat Beat Manifesto and Orbital to town might just be one of the ways this can happen.
More down to earth info on throwing smaller parties from YOUR FRIEND MIKE :)
Utah's first rave goes off despite location problems and a slightly clueless crowd ( Even though the promoter seems to have developed an ulcer in the process :).
Pete Ashdown and crew strike again with what sounds like an amazing night. Read on for info on bigger, flashier events.
Combine a five story building and a bunch of inspired promoters and you get a hell of a party. Despite problems caused by the huge location things went fairly smoothly.
Brian B. ( Hyperreal's very own ) has some very good things to say when considering a possible party location.
Outdoor parties can be a lot of fun. Especially if you throw them for an entire weekend. It also goes to show that planning and schedules aren't entirely needed to ensure a good time.
A larger party is almost always a formula for troubles. Knowing what you are doing and having previous experience really helps in the long run. While this one did fairly well, the promoters were left with some doubts.
Pitching a sound system in the middle of a college campus can be a lot fun. It can also be a good opportunity to introduce new people to the scene. It also doesn't have to be expensive to be fun.
These promoters saw somthing wrong with their scene and they made a statement. They threw a party where the focus was PEOPLE and not some big, flashy warehouse laden with intellebeams and speakers. Positivity is king!

This page was last updated on June 17, 1996. Please send any comments, questions, additions, etc. to