Related and linked WWW sites

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Alchemical and hermetic resources

The Book of the Quinte Essence (15th Century alchemical text).
WWW Virtual Library for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine.
John Baptist Porta (1537?-1615) Excellent site with text of Porta's Natural Magick
The Philosophers of Nature
Prima Materia - Alchemical and Spagyric resource
Paracelsus 500 years - Three American Exhibits
The Universalia Web Page
Chinese alchemy
Chinese alchemical text
The Golden Elixir - Resources on Chinese alchemy
Lysator page on Alchemy
Raphael Patai's book the Jewish alchemists
Girolamo Cardano Web site
Gideon Bohak's exhibition on "The traditions of magic in late antiquity"
Cauda Pavonis
Caduceus: The Hermetic Quarterly
Book Review: Betty Jo Tetter Dobbs. The Janus Faces of Genius: The Role of Alchemy in Newton's Thought
European Texts and Images from before 1620
The Ecole Initiative on Jacob Boehme
Text of Jacob Boehme's book 'The Supersensual Life'

Jungian and Analytical Psychology Organisations

The C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
Collected Works of C.G. Jung: Volume 12. Psychology and Alchemy
C.G. Jung Home Page
Green Street - Archetypal Psychology of James Hillman
Jung on Alchemy:Encountering Jung N. Schwartz-Salant, ed.

Contemporary Occult/esoteric Organisations with an interest in alchemy

A.M.O.R.C. Information
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn International
The Rosicrucian Fellowship Home Page
Max Heindel's Rosicrucian Fellowship
The Gateway to Qabalah
The Mystic Side of the Web
Thoth's Ring Home Page
Gnosis Archive
Tantric home page
The Hermetic Fellowship of Portland, Oregon
Order of the Militia Crucifera Evangelica
Atalanta Student Pagan Community's Web Link page
The Brotherhood of Light correspondence courses
Societas Gnostica Norvegia
Access:NewAge Alchemy & Hermeticism links
Masonic database Hermetic A to Z
The Gnosis Archive
Hermetic Alchemical Order of the QBLH
The Ancient Rosae Crucis

Various related sites and individual web pages

Project Mind
New Age Web Works
Anders Magick page
Shawn's Archive of Occult Sites!
Rafal Prinke's web pages - alchemy and magical ideas
Will Parfitt's webpages
The Copernican Series
Avalon Metaphysical Center
The Alexandria website
Alchemy-Gothic catalogue of jewelry and giftware
The Voynich manuscript
The Voynich nanuscript (another site)
J. Dauge's Home page
Hudson Monatomics
David Hudson material
Joe Champion's transmutation research
Patrick's home page
Claus Schoenleber's home page
Hermetic Alchemy by John Stahl
Hermetic-GD-Forum: Hermetics, QBL, Alchemy, Golden Dawn
Joscelyn Godwin: Annals of the Invisible College
Alchemy: The Search for the Philosopher's Stone - Graeme Whittle
Alchemy to Homeopathy book
University of Santiago de Compostela - Alquimia
Notes on alchemy adapted from The Eyewitness Science Chemistry book, written by Dr. Ann Newmark
Alchemy in the role playing game Ars Magica
Review: Vaughan Hart. Art and Magic in the Court of the Stuarts.
Notes on Michael Maier
Thoth: Mysteries of Ancient Egypt
The Good Scents Company Absolute Oils
Physical and Kabbalistic Cosmology - Ovid C. Jacob
Kessinger Publishing reprints
Hermetic/Cabbalistic/Rosicrucian Books
Article on Robert Fludd
Biography of Marin Mersenne