Corpus Hermeticum - John Everard

The Divine Pymander in XVII books.. London 1650. This was translated by John Everard from the Ficino Latin translation.
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The First Book.
The Second Book - Poemander.
The Third Book - The Holy Sermon.
The Fourth Book - The Way".
The Fifth Book - That God is not Manifest and yet most Manifest.
The Sixth Book - That in God alone is Good.
The Seventh Book - His Secret Sermon in the Mount or Regeneration, and the Profession of Silence.
The Eighth Book - That the greatest Evil in Man, is the not knowing God.
The Ninth Book - A Universal Sermon to Asclepius.
The Tenth Book - The Mind to Hermes.
The Eleventh Book - Of the Common Mind to Tat.
The Twelfth Book - His Crater or Monas.
The Thirteenth Book - Of Sense and Understanding.
The Fourteenth Book - Of Operation and Sense.
The Fifteenth Book - Of Truth to His Son Tat.
The Sixteenth Book - That None of the Things that are, can Perish.
The Seventeenth Book - To Asclepius, to be Truly Wise.