Adam McLean

Researcher into the ancient art and science of Alchemy.

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I have been writing and researching alchemical and hermetic literature for many years and between 1978 and 1992 edited the Hermetic Journal. I also published during those years the Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks a series of twenty-three editions of key source texts of the hermetic tradition.
The main areas of research I am actively pursuing at present are:-
In the course of my research I often come across important texts, both in printed books and manuscripts, which have been neglected. Some of these I have transcribed and eventually I hope to be able to publish these in some medium, either in print or electronically. An important part of my work is to attempt an analysis of and commentary on the ideas and symbolism of key hermetic works. I am esecially drawn to the rich vein of allegorical and symbolic material in the alchemical tradition.
I am always willing to correspond on alchemical matters, and can provide scholars working in a particular field, or on an individual author, with a printout of information from my databases, or suggest sources for further research. I am always interested in hearing of obscure works on alchemy that may have escaped my notice, or of special collections of such material not readily available. Any assistance or suggestions for research into alchemy would be much appreciated. I would welcome any help with preparing English translations of key works from Latin, French or German source material.