
WTP - CD-ROM Information


CD-ROM Description

NASA, the Planetary Data System, and the Data Distribution Laboratory are pleased to provide the educational CD-ROM entitled "Welcome to the Planets" consisting of 190 selected images acquired over approximately 20 years of NASA planetary exploration. Each image is accompanied by information about Solar System bodies and various spacecraft that explored them.

cdrompic The CD-ROM contains two versions of WTP.

  1. The WTP Macintosh and PC Windows standalone version comes complete with narration, images, data and a customized kiosk-style interface.
  2. The HTML version allows you to view the WTP pages without a network connection. Simply place the CD-ROM in your drive, and use your WWW client's 'Open Local' or 'Open File' options to access the pages on the CD-ROM.

Hardware Requirements

"Welcome to the Planets (TM)" for Macintosh computers requires operating System 7.0 or higher, with 8 Mbytes RAM, and a 640 X 480 screen with 8-bit color. WTP.MAC runs directly from the CD-ROM by double-clicking on the program icon in the top level directory of the CD-ROM. "Welcome to the Planets (TM)" for Windows computers requires 8 Mbytes RAM, and a 640 X 480 screen with 8-bit color. To achieve best performance on Windows machines, PC users may run the installation program, PCINSTAL.EXE, which copies the executable to a user-selected subdirectory of the hard disk. After PCINSTAL.EXE has been run, "Welcome to the Planets (TM)" should be run by opening this executable from the hard disk. Most actions are accomplished by pushing buttons, moving sliders, or clicking on an item of interest.

Ordering Information

Planetary scientists may order WTP CD-ROM through the Planetary Data System.

The general public may purchase Welcome the Planets CD-ROM through the National Space Science Data Center. (NSSDC)

Known Bugs

We have confirmed reports of users not being able to launch external applications (like LVIEW, etc) when accessing the WTP CD-ROM off the CD-ROM using NCSA Mosiac. Netscape seems to handle the images correctly. We are investigating a workaround. If you've run into this problem, we'd appreciate a note sent to pds_operator@jplpds.jpl.nasa.gov. (NOTE: The preceding link is a mailto: link and may not work on your client.)


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