VENUS ANIMATIONS March 1993 The Venus animation is available in the following format: -- venus.fli, an animation in FLI for PC and Unix VENUS.FLI is an animated rotating globe of Venus based on surface elevation data returned by the Magellan spacecraft. In order to view it you must have a Flick animation player such as PLAY79.ZIP for DOS or xanim for Unix/X-Windows. The animation is in FLI format and consists of 72 frames of 200x200 pixels every 5 degrees around the planet's equator. The surface elevation is color coded so that the highest elevations appear bright, while the lowest appear dark. The colors approximate colors actually seen on the surface by Soviet Venera landers. The frames were created by re-projecting the sinusoidal browse image of surface topography from the GxDR CD-ROM of Magellan data from its first 243-day mapping cycle at the planet. Some data from Magellan's second cycle are included in this browse image to partly fill gap in cycle 1 coverage caused by superior conjunction, or when Venus was behind the sun from Earth's point of view. The dark areas represent regions not yet mapped at the time the CD-ROM was made. _________________________________________________________________ The altimetry CD-ROM, like other CD-ROMs from JPL missions, may be obtained from: National Space Science Data Center Request Coordination Office Mail Code 633 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 USA telephone +1 (301) 286-6695 Internet electronic mail address: