Sun Image Index

   Name             W x H      Size  Description

[DIR]Parent Directory ------- -

Sun Animations

[MOV]eclips94.mpg     -------      3M  Movie of the 1994 solar eclipse
[MOV]suna.avi         -------      5M  Video Clip - The Sun's past
[MOV]sunb.avi         -------      6M  Video Clip - Sun's interior, photosphere, corona
[MOV]sunc.avi         -------      5M  Video Clip - Sun's magnetic field, prominences, solar wind, aurora
[MOV]sund.avi         -------      2M  Video Clip - Corona Animation showing solar prominences
[MOV]sxt.avi          -------      2M  1993-1994 animation of the Sun as seen in soft x-rays

Sun Images

[IMG]halpha.gif       579x576    149K  Solar disk in h-alpha
[IMG]halphafl.gif     697x548    147K  Solar flare in h-alpha
[IMG]sun.gif          640x480    262K  Sun prominence taken from NASA's Skylab
[IMG]sun.tif          1089x860     3M  Large 24 bit image of sun.gif
[IMG]sundiag.gif      633x452    233K  Diagram of the Sun
[IMG]sundiag.tif      1542x1100    5M  TIFF diagram of the Sun
[IMG]sunspot.gif      713x531    336K  Granulation around sunspots
[IMG]sun2.gif         448x448    170K  Solar magnetic fields
[IMG]xsun.gif         512x512    174K  X-Ray image of the Sun

Eclipse Images

[IMG]eclipse91.gif    1280x1022  432K  1991 solar eclipse by Steve Albers 
[TXT]eclipse91.htm    -------      3K  Caption for eclipse91 images
[IMG]hao_941103.gif   495x331     87K  1994 solar eclipse
[IMG]hao_941103.jpg   2030x1360  119K  1994 solar eclipse