Miscellaneous Images and Animations

   Name             W x H      Size  Description

[DIR]Parent Directory ------- -


[MOV]convect.mpg      -------      1M  Large movie of convection
[MOV]convect3.mpg     -------      1M  3d movie of convection
[MOV]ss.avi           -------      3M  Formation of the solar system


[IMG]inner.gif        400x381      9K  Inner solar system
[IMG]crater.gif       716x771     33K  Illustration of simple and complex crater formation
[IMG]outer.gif        400x429     11K  Outer solar system

Miscellaneous Images

[IMG]convect1.gif     1024x512   207K  Simulation of convection
[IMG]convect2.gif     607x792     63K  Image of a simulation of convective penetration in stellar interiors
[IMG]earthjup.gif     950x800    263K  Relative scale of Jupiter, Io, Earth and Moon
[IMG]earthjup.tif     950x800      2M  24 bit version of earthjup.gif
[IMG]jovian.gif       1497x827   329K  Relative scale of Jovian planets
[IMG]jovian.tif       1497x827   731K  24 bit version of jovian.gif
[IMG]moonio.gif       1000x530   324K  Relative scale of Io and the Moon
[IMG]moonio.tif       1000x530     2M  24 bit version of moonio.gif
[IMG]ss.gif           1036x459   105K  Relative scale of the Sun and the nine planets
[IMG]ss.tif           1866x827   867K  Larger 24 bit version of ss.gif
[IMG]ssc.tif          1866x827   890K  Larger 24 bit version of ss.gif with labels
[IMG]terplnt.gif      2173x750   599K  Relative scale of the terrestrial planets
[IMG]vgr_fam1.gif     914x723    484K  Portrait of the Solar System
[TXT]vgr_fam1.txt     -------      2K  Caption for vgr_fam1.gif
[IMG]vgr_fam2.gif     908x630    216K  Diagram of portrait frames
[IMG]vgr_fam3.gif     773x730     85K  All Frames from the family portrait
[TXT]vgr_fam3.txt     -------      2K  Caption for vgr_fam3.gif