Moon Image Index

   Name             W x H      Size  Description

[DIR]Parent Directory ------- -


[MOV]apollo16.mpg     -------    208K  Clementine animation showing the Apollo 16 landing site.
[MOV]moon.avi         -------      8M  Galileo Moon encounter
[MOV]moonven.mpg      -------     81K  Clementine animation the moon with Venus in the distance


[IMG]apollo11.gif     640x480    118K  Apollo 11 Lunar Module ascent stage
[IMG]boulder.gif      673x544    191K  Apollo 17 - Large Lunar boulder
[IMG]coper.gif        1097x900   777K  Apollo 17 - Oblique view of Copernicus
[IMG]clmsouth.gif     1255x1025  764K  Clementine orthographic projection of lunar south pole
[TXT]clmsouth.txt     -------      2K  Description of clmsouth
[IMG]earthris.gif     1152x898   816K  Apollo 11 - Earth rising over the Moon
[IMG]farside.gif      842x975    343K  Apollo 11 - Far side of the Moon
[IMG]footprnt.gif     1128x900     1M  Apollo 11 - Footprint on the Moon - Large
[IMG]fullmoon.gif     2387x2413    4M  Apollo 11 - View of whole Moon
[IMG]moon.gif         1006x819   291K  Apollo 17 - Taurus-Littrow hills
[IMG]moon1.gif        2048x2047    3M  Apollo 17 - Whole moon view
[IMG]moon2.gif        1130x900   767K  Apollo 17 - Lunar scape
[IMG]moondust.gif     1152x806   455K  Apollo 17 - Orange soil
[IMG]moonflag.gif     1152x900   698K  Apollo 11 - Edwin Aldring poses with US flag
[IMG]rover.gif        1152x779   625K  Lunar Roving Vehicle