Face on Mars - Images and Animations

   Name             W x H      Size  Description

[DIR]Parent Directory ------- -


[MOV]illum.mpg        -------     77K  360 degree rotation of illumination direction
[MOV]view_rot.mpg     -------     69K  360 degree rotation of viewing direction


[IMG]035a72.gif       1204x1056  561K  Raw image 035a72
[IMG]035a72m.gif      1973x2135    1M  Map projected and processed image 035a72
[IMG]070a13.gif       1204x1056  480K  Raw image 070a13
[IMG]070a13m.gif      1669x1899    1M  Map projected and processed image 070a13
[IMG]561a25.gif       1204x1056  441K  Raw image 561a25
[IMG]561a25m.gif      1729x1552    1M  Map projected and processed image 561a25
[IMG]673b56.gif       1204x1056  437K  Raw image 673b56
[IMG]673b56m.gif      1611x1757    1M  Map projected and processed image 673a56
[IMG]753a34.gif       1204x1056  596K  Raw image 753a34
[IMG]753a34m.gif      1980x2129    1M  Map projected and processed image 753a34
[IMG]anaglyph.gif     218x221     18K  Face Anaglyph
[IMG]fig1.gif         573x573     72K  Image processing of Face - contrast-enhanced
[IMG]fig2.gif         573x576     69K  Image processing of Face - bit-error correction
[IMG]fig3.gif         573x864    103K  Image processing of Face - increasing contrast
[IMG]fig4.gif         864x576    415K  Image processing of Face - sharpening
[IMG]fig5.gif         576x576    170K  Face gains "teeth" by harsh, pixel-scale image processing
[IMG]illum_n.gif      288x288     17K  Face illuminated from the north
[IMG]illum_ne.gif     288x288     21K  Face illuminated from the northeast
[IMG]illum_s.gif      288x288     17K  Face illuminated from the south
[IMG]illum_sw.gif     288x288     21K  Face illuminated from the southwest
[IMG]pio.gif          640x472    307K  JPL press release image
[TXT]pio.htm          -------      1K  Caption for pio.gif
[IMG]stereo.gif       547x288     51K  Face stereopair
[IMG]target.gif       1152x900   248K  Output from planning software showing Cydonia targets
[IMG]topo.gif         288x288     37K  Face topography
[IMG]view_n.gif       288x288     17K  Face looking from the north
[IMG]view_ne.gif      288x288     10K  Face looking from the northeast
[IMG]view_s.gif       288x288     16K  Face looking from the south
[IMG]view_sw.gif      288x288     11K  Face looking from the southwest