Index of /hackdiet/

      Name                   Last modified     Size  Description

[DIR] Parent Directory 15-Aug-96 13:58 - [   ] 27-Nov-94 14:07 685K [   ] 11-Feb-95 17:54 240K [   ] hdexcel4.tar.gz 27-Nov-94 14:07 228K [   ] 21-Aug-95 23:17 1M [DIR] www/ 22-Apr-96 14:04 -

                          The Hacker's Diet
                   Notes on the Electronic Edition

                            by John Walker
                         February 11th, 1995

                          The Hacker's Diet
                     How to lose weight and hair
                  through stress and poor nutrition

Despite  the  subtitle,  this  book is neither a joke nor a parody; it
presents, in a unrelentingly rational  way,  what  I  learned  in  the
process of losing more than 70 pounds in less than six months in 1988,
and how I've managed to avoid gaining the weight  back  in  the  years
that ensued.  Unlike most diet books, which present a rigid program in
a "take it or leave it" manner, "The Hacker's Diet" isn't  so  much  a
diet  program  as  a book about the process of losing and subsequently
controlling your weight.  It provides  the  knowledge  and  techniques
you'll  need  to  develop  your  *own*  program  for  permanent weight
control--a program tailored to your  lifestyle  and  preferences,  not
those of the author.

Described  within  the book, and distributed with it, are a collection
of worksheets usable with Microsoft Excel which automate the tasks  of
planning  meals,  monitoring  your weight, and allow you to experiment
with the techniques described in the book to obtain a  better  insight
into  its  intellectual  foundations.   You  don't  need  to  use  the
worksheets (or even need a computer) to apply the  techniques  in  the
book;  easy  to  work  pencil-and-paper  alternatives  are given.  The
worksheets are a supplement for readers who own  a  suitable  computer
and software.

                             From the Preface

     This is not a normal diet book, and I am  not  a  normal  diet
     book author.

     I'm  not  a  doctor.   Nor  am I a nutritionist, psychologist,
     sports hero, gourmet chef, or any of the other vocations  that
     seem to qualify people to tell you how to lose weight.

     I'm   an  engineer  by  training,  a  computer  programmer  by
     avocation, and an businessman through  lack  of  alternatives.
     From grade school in the 1950's until 1988 I was fat--anywhere
     from  30  to  80  pounds  overweight.   This is a diet book by
     somebody who spent most of his life fat.

     The absurdity of my situation finally  struck  home  in  1987.
     "Look," I said to myself, "you founded one of the five biggest
     software companies in the world, Autodesk.   You  wrote  large
     pieces  of  AutoCAD,  the  world  standard  for computer aided
     design.  You've  made  in  excess  of  fifty  million  dollars
     without  dropping  dead,  going  crazy, or winding up in jail.
     You've succeeded at some  pretty  difficult  things,  and  you
     can't control your flippin' *weight*?"

     Through all the years of struggling with my  weight,  the  fad
     diets,  the  tedious  and  depressing  history most fat people
     share, I had  never,  even  once,  approached  controlling  my
     weight the way I'd work on any other problem: a malfunctioning
     circuit, a buggy program,  an  ineffective  department  in  my

     As  an  engineer,  I  was  trained  to  solve  problems.  As a
     software developer, I designed  tools  to  help  others  solve
     their  problems.  As a businessman I survived and succeeded by
     managing problems.  And yet, all that time, I hadn't looked at
     my  own  health  as something to be investigated, managed, and
     eventually solved in the same way.  I decided to do just that.

     This  book  is  a  compilation  of what I learned.  Six months
     after I decided being fat was a problem to be  solved,  not  a
     burden to be endured, I was no longer overweight.  Since then,
     my weight hasn't varied by more than a few pounds.  I'm hungry
     less  often  at  145 pounds than I was at 215.  I look better,
     feel great, and have more energy for the things  I  enjoy.   I
     spend  only  a  few  minutes  a  day  maintaining  this  happy
     situation.  And I know I'll be able to control my weight  from
     now on, because I have the tools I need, the will to use them,
     and the experience to know they work.

     The tools are now in your hands.

     Live long and prosper.


"The  Hacker's  Diet"  may  be  accessed  on-line  by a World-Wide Web
browser such as NCSA Mosaic.  Text-only browsers may be used, but  you
won't be able to see the many illustrations as you read the text.  The
URL for the book is:

Due to the limitations the formatting one can specify in HTML, the WWW
edition  of  the  book  doesn't  look  as nice as the Adobe Acrobat or
PostScript versions, but all the information is there and is perfectly


Users  with  an Adobe Acrobat reader (Windows, Macintosh, various Unix
platforms) can obtain a fully illustrated and hyperlinked copy of "The
Hacker's  Diet" in the file in this directory.  FTP the file
in binary mode, then use PKZIP under MS-DOS to extract the  compressed
document  file  hackdiet.pdf.  Non-DOS users may extract the file from
the archive using any decompressor compatible with  PKUNZIP  2.x;  the
latest version of the Unix "unzip" program supports this format.


If  you don't have access to either a graphical World-Wide Web browser
or an Adobe Acrobat reader, you can still  print  the  book  from  the
original  PostScript  source  or  read  it  on-line  with a PostScript
browser.  This approach has some drawbacks you should be aware of.

The file is huge and time-consuming to download

The PostScript file for the  book  is  in  excess  of  2.5  megabytes,
distributed   compressed   with   the   "gzip"  utility  as  the  file  Even in this compressed form the file  is  more  than
700K in length.  The supplementary Excel worksheets that accompany the
book are furnished as an additional  gzipped  "tar"  archive,  on  the
order of a quarter megabyte in size.

The PostScript is extremely demanding on your printer

Since my original intention was to simply produce camera ready copy on
a phototypesetter, I didn't spend any time simplifying the  PostScript
created  by  the  various  production  tools  I used or worrying about
compatibility with less-than-perfect  implementations  of  PostScript.
This document is intended to be printed on a modern laser printer with
plenty of memory and a  genuine  Adobe  implementation  of  PostScript
which  supports all the fonts found in the Apple LaserWriter Plus.  If
you print it with this or that PostScript work-alike, you may  not  be
happy with the output (if, indeed, you obtain any output at all).  The
book prints just fine, albeit very slowly (over two hours), on my 1987
vintage Apple  LaserWriter  Plus,  and  on  every  more  recent  Apple
LaserWriter  I've  tried.   Ghostscript  displays  the  book just fine
(assuming you've supplied it with the Adobe fonts used in  the  book).
The Sun "pageview" tool under OpenWindows on SunOS 4.1.1 also displays
the book properly on the screen, and allows you to browse through  the
book  in  random  page  order.  I've made every effort to minimise the
printer memory (VM) required by the document; it should print  on  any
Level  1  PostScript  implementation,  even  very old ones.  If you've
downloaded fonts or  macros  into  your  printer,  however,  they  may
consume  enough  space  to  prevent  the  book  from printing.  If you
encounter problems, try turning your printer off and  back  on  before
sending  it the Hacker's Diet PostScript file.  The PostScript file is
supplied in Unix end of line convention  (line  feed  only);  this  is
compatible  with  all  PostScript  implementations I know of and saves
more than 40K bytes by omitting the additional carriage  returns  used
by  MS-DOS.   DOS,  Macintosh,  or  VMS  users  who  wish  to edit the
PostScript file may have to convert it into their system's native  end
of line convention first.

It's a big print job, and uses lots of paper

When you send this file to your PostScript printer, it's going to feed
about 250 pages through the works before it's done.  This is a lot  of
paper  (more expense), uses up a good portion of your toner cartridge,
and may well require you to clear one or more paper  jams  before  the
whole  mess  is  done.   If  you  share the printer with other people,
consider also that printing the book can take  *hours*,  depending  on
the  speed of your computer's link to the printer and the speed of the
printer's PostScript engine.


The Excel worksheets which accompany the book (but aren't necessary to
using the weight control regime) are provided in a  separate  PKZIPped
archive named  When you extract this archive, you'll find
a  README.DOC  which  explains  the  current  software   compatibility
requirements  (Excel  5.0  or above under Windows 3.1 or above) of the
worksheets, and a description of each.

There are several serious incompatibilities in macro execution between
Excel  4.x  and  5.0  which  required changes to the weight management
macro package, WEIGHT.XLM, which are not backward compatible  to  4.0.
If you're still running Excel 4.x, worksheets usable with that release
are  provided  in  a  separate  gzipped  Unix  "tar"   archive   named