Solar System Live: Custom Settings

Custom Settings

By filling out the form below (presented in the same form as the Solar System Live control panel) you can make a custom request with parameters preset. Then, after pressing the "Update" button to display the requested image, you can save the result on your "Hotlist" (Mosaic) or "Bookmark" (Netscape) or whatever your browser calls it. Then you can immediately show a custom Solar System Live display just by selecting that item.

This is particularly handy for specifying the latitude and longitude of your observing site so that correct altitude and azimuth values are displayed in the ephemeris, but you can use it to preset any parameter given below, including specifying orbital elements to track a comet or asteroid.

If you're not happy with the result when you press "Update", come back to this page by pressing "Back" and adjust the parameters until you obtain the desired result, then save the request in your browser's hotlist or bookmark table.

Time: Now UTC: Julian:
Show: Icons Images
Display: Full system Inner system Size: Stereo: Cross Wall
Orbits: Real Logarithmic Equal
Observing site: Lat. N S Long. E W
Heliocentric: Lat. N S Long.
To track an asteroid or comet, paste orbital elements below: Echo elements

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by John Walker