The Large Magellenic Cloud in Dorado

Object type: Irregular Galaxy
Distance from Earth: 170,000 light years
52,000 parsecs
Distance across Galaxy: 30,000 light years
9,200 parsecs

The LMC is a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way named after the Spanish explorer Magellan who discovered it and its companion the Small Magellanic Cloud during his trip around the world in 1519. The LMC shows characteristics of a barred spiral form and is classified as a transition type between a spiral and an irregular galaxy. Both the LMC and SMC are orbiting the Milky Way, and are easily visible to the unaided eye.

Offset from the center of the LMC is the Tarantula Nebula. This is the only extragalactic nebula visible to the unaided eye and is striking when seen in medium to large telescopes. Measurements indicate that this nebula is actually the core of the LMC even though it appears to be off-center from the rest of the galaxy.

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