Astronomical Images Archive Search Form

WARNING: This search engine is in an experimental phase. There may still be bugs in the search algorithm, and there are still several objects which may not yet be catalogued. As time passes I hope to make this more complete and useful. Thank you for your patience.

Usage: The algorithm is case insensitive. It matches substrings, so if you are unsure of the complete or official (as I see it) name of an object, or your search fails, try using a keyword from the name. For example, ORION has a much better chance of matching than GREAT NEBULA IN ORION. The object name and catalog number parameters are not exclusive. If you search for EAGLE NEBULA and NGC 2264, both M16 (the Eagle Nebula) and NGC 2264 (the Cone Nebula) will be returned. I haven't decided if this is a bug or a feature yet. Finally, if you submit a request with null object name and null catalog number, all catalogued objects of the object type, i.e., NEBULA, will be returned.

I hope this tool will be helpful. Please send all comments and criticisms to

Object Type:
Object Name:
NGC/Messier Catalog Number: