
The images used in these pages were collected from a variety of sources. They have been placed here as free domain. This means you may freely download, reproduce, and redistribute them, but this may not be done for profit. Whenever possible, I have credited the images to the photographer, and I ask that you do the same. If proprietary information is not available to me, I am unable to give the photographer his/her due credit. If you are viewing these pages and notice that an image may be a published image which you originally shot, please email me so that I may give appropriate credit. Most of the images are either courtesy of the skyplotting program EZCosmos or were posted to alt.binaries.picture.astro.

All opinions expressed within these documents are mine alone. They are not necessarily shared by the University of Pennsylvania, the Physics Department of the University of Pennsylvania, or the Science and Technology Wing. Please email all question, comments, and complaints to jparker@force.stwing.upenn.edu.


EZCosmos 3.0
This DOS program is a wonderful skyplotter, capable of plotting overhead views from any latitude/longitude point on the planet for any time between 10,000 BC and 10,000 AD. It also contains a detailed bank of information and photographs on dozens of local and deep sky objects.

Future Trends Software, Inc., 1991. EZCosmos is a trademark of Astrosoft, Inc.

The Universe from Your Backyard
Written by David J. Eicher of Astronomy magazine, this book is a wonderful resource for stargazers, containing sketches of most objects of interest in addition to stunning photographs.

Published by Kalmbach Publishing Company, Waukesha, Wisconsin in 1989.

The International Encyclopedia of Astronomy
An incredible source of information for both Astronomy and physics in general. Detailed articles and several essays provide an incredibly vast amount of information.

Edited by Patrick Moore. Published by Orion Books, New York.

The Cambridge Atlas of Astronomy
Seemingly endless source of information on Messier, NGC, and IC objects. Detailed information on most of them, enlightening photographs, and great deal of information on the general classes of objects.

Edited by Jean Audouze and Guy Israel. Published by Cambridge University Press, New York.

Astronomy Today
Tremendous beginner's guide to astronomy. This book quickly covers all the bases and, while not overly deep in its coverage, it is by no means confusing. A very informative book, and very helpful for the amateur astronomer.

By Dinah L. Moché, Ph.D. Published by Random House, New York, 1986.

Other places to find astronomical images are:

Last modified: Thursday, 06-Jun-96 14:49:13 EDT.
