History of Astronomy: Observatories and other places

General items

Cross-references for proper names


Proper name                         Place

Archenhold-Sternwarte               Berlin

Astronomical Observatory of
   Collurania                       Teramo

Battelle Observatory                Richland

Bureau des Longitudes               Paris

Carter Observatory                  Wellington

Chabot Observatory                  Oakland

David Dunlap Observatory            Toronto

Decker-Grebner-Van Zandt
   Observatory                      Jubilee

Drake Observatory                   Des Moines

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for 
   Astrophysics                     Cambridge, MA

Hopkins Observatory                 Williamstown

Kiepenheuer-Institut für 
   Sonnenphysik                     Freiburg

Kirkwood Observatory                Bloomington

Konkoly Observatory                 Budapest

Leander McCormick Observatory       Charlottesville

Lowell Observatory                  Flagstaff

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy  Heidelberg

North Moor Observatory              Peoria

Observatoire de la Côte 
   d'Azur                           Nice

Observatorio Astronomico Nacional   Sierra San Pedro Martir

Observatorium Wendelstein           Bayrischzell

Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera   Merate

Osservatorio Astronomico 
   di Capodimonte                   Naples

Perkins Observatory                 Delaware

Sacramento Peak Observatory         Sunspot

Southern Cross Astronomical
   Observatory                      Miami

Sternwarte Bogenhausen              Munich

Stull Observatory                   Alfred

U.S. Naval Observatory              Washington

Van Vleck Observatory               Middletown

Washburn Observatory                Madison

Warner and Swasey Observatory       Cleveland

Yerkes Observatory                  Williams Bay

Individual countries, observatories and places

For the homepages of the following observatories see Astronomy.

Some information on the history of several sites may be found in the documents about

  • museums, memorials, historical places and exhibits.

    Find more about history of observatories with Alta Vista.

    To the History of Astronomy homepage

    Wolfgang R. Dick

    Latest update: 18 June 1996