There were numerous updates, here are only the more important things. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.17 - Multipage-TIFF support ! (One of the first viewers with multipage TIFF support) - Support for 'Exif'-JPEGs - New option in "Properties->Copy/Move/Save": default 'save as' directory - Rename-question for files with incorrect extension - The Multiple-GIF timer is now much better :) - Some minor bugs fixed (very large GIFs, 'paste->save as') --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.15 - Multiple (animated) GIF Support ! IrfanView is the first graphic viewer WORLDWIDE with Multiple GIF support. (One known bug: with some specially transparency combinations) Much fun :) - New menu: Convert to 256 colors (for true color images only) - Some WMF bugs are fixed (with old (Win 3.x) WMFs) - Now: "Save as" with lower case names - And you can copy my E-Mail address from "About-Box" :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.12 - The GIF-Decompression is now totally rewritten ! I hope without bugs :) - Windows metafiles support (WMF=Windows Metafile and EMF=Enhanced Metafile) - Command line support for AVIs (Fullscreen for AVI is not available) - Some minor bugs fixed (startbar, extensions etc.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.10 - Print support - "Always fit to desktop" was changed to "Always fit to desktop for big images" - Some minor bugs fixed (GIFs, rotate under WinNT, overlapping) - NEW ! Command line options: /one, /fs, /bf, /pos=(x,y), /title=text : /one - force "only one instance" /fs - force Full Screen /bf - force Best Fit /title=text - set window title /pos=(x,y) - move the window to x,y Notes: - Only lower case options are supported: Examples: i_view32 test.bmp /BF = incorrect i_view32 test.bmp /bf /title=My PIC = correct --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.07 - AVI support (video for windows) - Jump to first/last file in the directory (CTRL+F,CTRL+L) - New option: always fit to desktop (properties->other options) - Finally: "Save as", non-extension support - Read support for extensions: *.jpeg, *.tiff - Correct displaying of all Photo-CD files (rotate) - Copy/move/delete windows - Copying/moving: Replace question if the file exists (replace of read-only files) - More hotkeys (rotate, flip, properties, image info etc.) - Some minor bugs fixed (GIF,RAS) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.05 - Edit options (Copy/Paste/Delete/Clear Clipboard) - New in "Properties->Other options": allow Only 1 instance of IrfanView32 - Read-Header function is implemented, warning if incorrect extension - Some fast-directory-view bugs fixed (like: last image) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.00 - Progressive JPEG support (read/save) - Alphabetical sorting of images in directory - Some minor bugs fixed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.99 - New fast directory view ! This part is now totally rewritten; no more lost files and uncomplete lists. Files are shown in the order how they stay in FAT, that means unsorted. Coming in next release: sorting files in alphabetical order. - Fixed bugs with some ICOs, and compressed BMPs --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.98a - Fixed bug with 256-colour-ICO - Fixed bugs with fit-to-desktop and resize - New menu outfit - Zoom percentage shown in title bar - Positioning window somewhere else than top left corner (biggest known bug: IrfanView still can NOT correctly resize images whose dimensions exceed actual screen resolution; if you do not want to cut edges of your image, void saving in this situation) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.98 - Viewing ICO - Zooming in and out in: 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 % out: 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5 % (known bug: zooming in large images works till now only up to 500 %) - Resize image --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.97 - Viewing RAS - Fixed some bugs with fast directory view and GIF --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.95 - Viewing TGA - Image flip/rotate - Image copy/move to another directory - New tab-dialogs (Menu: Options->Properties) - IrfanView32 doesn't support Win32s any more --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.90 - Viewing Photo CD - "Fast directory view" (jump to next image in the current directory with space, to previous with backspace) - Set image as wallpaper --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.85 - Windows 95-dialogs (open/save file) - Viewing 2 bits per pixel PNG - Saving file as TIFF --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.80 - Viewing PCX and RLE - Viewing grayscale TIFF - Fixed some bugs with GIF --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.70 - Viewing TIFFs (uncompressed, LZW, packbits, Huffmann fax group 3, fax group 4) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------