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Data aktualizacji: 01.05.1999

Information on the displays

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Display 17: Switch BTS_TEST status

++++++++++++++      ++++++++++++++  

+            +      +            +

+ BTS TEST   +      + BTS TEST   + 

+    ON      +      +   OFF      +

+            +      +            + 

++++++++++++++      ++++++++++++++ 

Mobile is searching only one frequency. Neighbour measurements are not done.

Mobile is behaving normally. Neighbour measurmentes are done.

This display is used to toggle BTS_TEST status on EEPROM. If BTS_TEST status is set on, then each time the mobile sends a search list it uses only the carrier number stored on SIM SCM (Short Code Memory) - location 33. Also the neighbour information from system information messages is ignored. If the BTS_TEST status is not set, then the value of SIM SCM-location 33 is ignored and the mobile behaves normally, that is, does the the neighbour measurements according to the GSM applications.

To activate BTS tests perform following steps:

  1. Save the desired channel number in SIM SCM-location number 33.
  2. Select display 17 in execute mode.
  3. Switch power off and on.

If activation succeeded, there is now text "BTS TEST ON" in display 17.

To deactivate BTS test either select display 17 in the execute mode or save number 0 in the SIM SCM-location 33 and switch the power off and on.


The display does not show the value of BTS_TEST status in EEPROM. Although the value is set, bts test can be set off. If there is not legal carrier number in SIM location 33 (GSM900: 1-124, GSM1800: 512-885) the display shows that bts test is off. Also if the mobile was already registered to some carrier before switching BTS_TEST status, the display can show different value from the one in EEPROM.

In 6100 phones, it is not possible to select the SIM location where a number is stored. Therefore, reserving a SIM location must be done by some PC software or by a phone (other than 6100) supporting number storing to a selected SIM location.

To reserve a SIM location:

  1. Save the carrier number into the SIM SCM location 33
  2. Key in the name, for example: BTS TEST

Next time you want to modify the number of the carrier, you can edit the number (by using your 6100) stored with the name BTS TEST.

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