KACYKO - www.telefon.pl
Data aktualizacji: 01.05.1999


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This manual describes the features and operation of NSE-3/NSK-3 GSM900/1800 cellular terminal with Field Test Display software. Field Test Display (i.e. Engineering Test Display or Network Monitoring Display) is a software feature available through user interface of NSE-3/NSK-3 cellular terminal.

Field Test Display is available only in terminals equipped with a special test software, it is not available in standard terminals.

Phone with a Field Test software is intended for verification of the operation of the GSM900/1800 network. It may behave differently from the normal phone in some instances, for example:

Phone with the Field Test Display is not a calibrated measurement device, so it must be borne in the mind that:

The field test display may change when a new SW is updated to the phone. The fields described in this document may have different values, and there may be some displays removed/added in the new SW versions. Nokia Mobile Phones reserves the right to make changes to the features and operation of the Field Test Software.

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