The resource is compressed and the correct decompressor is not available. [^3] The file is already in use. [^3] The end of the file was unexpectedly reached. [^3] The file was not found. [^3] The resource map is inconsistent with that operation. [^3] The resource attributes are inconsistent with that operation. [^3] Removing a resource failed. [^3] Adding a resource failed. [^3] The resource file was not found. [^3] Insufficient access privileges for operation. [^3] The resource was not found. [^3] That volume is not mounted. [^3] Too many files are open. [^3] File is already open from another application. [^3] Out of memory error. [^3] File locked error. [^3] Not enough room on disk error. [^3] Disk write protected error. [^3] I/O Error. [^3]