Send Orders To: Torpedo Software - PO Box 662 - Lynnwood, WA 98046 - USA SINGLE COMPUTER ORDER FORM If you wish to purchase software for more than one computer (significant price discounts), you should use the "Lab Pack" order form. (Name)_________________________________________________________________ (Street)_______________________________________________________________ (City)________________________________________(State)__________________ (Postal Code)______________(Province/Country)__________________________ (Telephone)_________________ (Email Address) __________________________ Computer Type Please check one of the following: _______ Windows _______ Macintosh Software Selection Please check one of the following to order full versions: _______ "Around the World!" Geography Game $15.00 (trial version titled "Europe!") _______ "GeoPuzzle!" Geography Game $15.00 (trial version titled "USAPuzzle!") _______ "Sands of Time" History Game $15.00 (trial version titled "EuroHist!") _______ "Aquatar's Fables, Full Version" $15.00 (trial version - "Aquatar's Fables, Trial") _______ SPECIAL OFFER: Geography Bundle: $25.00 (Includes "Around the World!" and "GeoPuzzle!") _______ SPECIAL OFFER: Geography / History Bundle: $35.00 (Includes "Around the World!", "GeoPuzzle!" and "Sands of Time") _______ SPECIAL OFFER: Complete Torpedo Bundle: $45.00 (Includes "Around the World!", "GeoPuzzle!", "Sands of Time" and "Aquatar's Fables") Additional Information Please fill in or check the following as applicable: _______ All orders add $3.00 shipping and handling. (avoid shipping fees by ordering and downloading from our web site): _______ Washington residents add 8.6% sales tax. _______ Total amount enclosed (personal check) (Checks or money orders must be drawn in U.S. currency on a U.S. bank, or the equivalent in Canadian currency drawn on a Canadian bank) _______ Total amount authorized (credit card) VISA___Mastercard ___Card Number _____________________________________ Expiration Date____________ Signature ____________________________ The address given must match the billing address of the credit card. Greater of $5 or 15% handling fee for all returns.