......................................................... ....##...##..##..##......##......#####...##..##......##.. ...##..##...##..##......##......##..##..##..##......##... ...##.##....##..##......##......##..##..##..##......##... ..####.....##..##......##......####....##..##......##.... ..##.##....##..##......##......##..##..##..##......##.... .##..##...##..##......##......##..##..##..##......##..... .##...##..##..######..######..#####...##..######..######. ......................................................... .....................................................v1.1 Informations about KILL BILL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for reading this file. Here is an index: 1. IMPORTANT MESSAGE 2. REQUIRED HARDWARE 3. TIPS 4. CONTACT ==================== 1. IMPORTANT MESSAGE ==================== KILL BILL is just a little program, so it is not really good programmed. It is possible that you see a big BUG. But if you think that KILL BILL is boring, full of BUGS, or if you like BILL you just have to delete it ! (about deleting, I do not made uninstallation process because the installation programs that had this function were too big and slow for me. I prefered our Winzip to make an auto-extractible archive: little and fast ! You do not agree with me ? If KILL BILL made damages on your computer, know that I am not responsible because I reject every responsability ! ==================== 2. REQUIRED HARDWARE ==================== Minimum: 486 DX4x100 4 MB of RAM SVGA Screen and video card 2 MB of hard disk (for KILL BILL) Windows 95 Recommended: Pentium III 500 Mhz 256 MB of RAM MegaVGA Screen and video card that can show milliards of colors in 1800x1600. Windows 95/98 (the worst or the worst ?) (The best should be not to have Windows but KILLBILL could not run !) 256 bit sound card with a 32 MO WAVE TABLE ======= 3. TIPS ======= Cheat codes: To enter a code, in the main menu, click on the icon "About" then on the blank zone down the release date. Enter the code (that will not be shown). The codes are finished by a space and a exclamation point ( !) and you have to check the UPCASE letters: -ROLY is my god ! -I'll be back ! BILL cool info: If you wanna hurt BILL as much as possible: -Shoot on his face or on the center of his body. -Try to shoot his neck, his shoulders, or up part of his leg. If you success, you will have a FATALITY ! Other: * Do not forget to click on HEM-O-GLOBINE to see blood during the game ! * You can add slow running programs by making a shortcut in the PROGRAMS folder You can also add splash screens by copying the BMP picture in the SPLASH folder ========== 3. CONTACT ========== RO_LY@YAHOO.COM http://buisite.ifrance.com ********************************************** Excuse me again for my english, it was very difficult for me, I imagine the same for you ! **********************************************