2000 Uninstall will delete all files, remove all icons and erase all registry entries installed by this application.\n\nAll your current configuration information for this application will be erased.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? 2001 All components have been successfully removed. 2002 Some components could not be removed.\n\nMost likely these are data files created by you and can be deleted manually if you don't need them any longer. 2003 The directory %s does not exist.\n\nSetup will create it now. 2004 The directory %s already exists and may contain another application.\n\nUse this directory anyway? 2005 Setup is not complete.\n\nAre you sure you want to cancel? 2006 Setup has completed successfully.\n\nYou can use the 'Add/Remove Programs' applet in Control Panel to remove the\napplication from your computer, should you ever need to. 2500 The SETUP.DAT file is missing or corrupt.\n\nPlease obtain a new copy of this software. 2501 The uninstall log (CAMUINST.DAT) is missing from the application directory.\n\nThis application can not be uninstalled automatically. 2502 The folder:\n\n%s\n\ncould not be created.\n\nPlease make sure your TEMP environment variable is set correctly or specify a different folder if you are prompted. 2503 The folder:\n\n%s\n\ncould not be created.\n\nThe installation can not be completed.\n\nPlease cancel the installation. 2504 An error occurred updating the registry.\n\nThe application may still work correclty, but you should investigate the cause of the error. 2505 An error occurred creating the Start Menu/Desktop icons.\n\nThe application will still work correctly but you will not be able to start it from the Start Menu/Desktop. 2506 The file %s already exists.\n\nPress Retry to replace this file with the new one.\nPress Ignore to skip this file.\nPress Abort to abort the installation. 2507 Cannot read the file %s from the source directory. 2511 The file %s can not be accessed.\n\nClose all other applications and retry. 2513 There may not be enough space to install this application.\n\nWould you like to try anyway? 2514 An error occurred during installation.\n\nThe application was not installed successfully. 2515 An error occurred writing to the uninstall log file.\n\nSetup cannot continue. 2516 Setup must be run on Windows 95, 98 or Windows NT 4.0 or higher.