Walnut Creek CDROM TCP/IP utilities for Windows Sockets interface

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TCP/IP utilities for Windows Sockets interface

202588 09/23/95 (v2.02) WFTPD - Winsock FTP Server. Allows you to administer an FTP site from your own Windows machine. Easy to use and configure, and notoriously stable. Costs only $15 to register the 16-bit version, $20 for the 32-bit version ($5 extra for disk shipment as opposed to ftp/email delivery). Author: Alun Jones, Texas Imperial Software
784089 09/22/95 AutoWinNet 1.7 Internet Automation! Leech TERABYTES of NEW files from the Internet without even being home! Performs FTP, USENET, MAIL, World Wide Web with ZERO effort. He is an Add-On to your current SLIP/PPP programs, and works great with IBOX, Trumpet, Mosaic, and OS/2. Lightning fast, hammers at busy FTP sites, keeps mailing lists,tracks your files in its own database. - GET THIS - Two years in the making - professional quality program that will ASTOUND you.
1068204 09/21/95 CommNet v2.1. Full-featured Windows/ Windows 95 based data communications software package which seamlessly integrates modem dial-up and Internet Telnet capabilities into a single, fast, full-featured, and easy-to-use application. CommNet supports Zmodem file transfers and TTY, VT100, and full-color PC ANSI with dial-up and Telnet sessions.
166024 07/28/95 CuteFTP v1.3: MS-Windows FTP client designed to simplify remote file xfers via Internet; intuitive modern-style user inerface; integrated browsing of index files with files descriptions; caching of recently visited dirs; full screen browsing (w/2 configurable display modes); automatic dir tree downloading; robust STOP cmd, capable of stopping any operation w/out loosing connection; requires Winsock v1.1 ; 06/23/95; Alex Kunadze.
207953 10/06/95 CU-SeeMe v0.70b1 from Cornell University. Windows two-way/one way internet video application. This version adds sound capability. Test sites as well as individual transmissions are now available to view. See.
322258 09/22/95 PC Eudora v1.52: MS-Windows electronic mail tool based on Eudora for the Macintosh; req WinSock v1.1 compliant TCP/IP stack; 08/14/95; Jeff Beckley/Jeff Gehlhaar/QUALCOMM Inc.
256717 08/11/95 Ewan telnet/term client v1.052 for Windows.
131097 03/11/95 Internet VoiceChat v1.1 allows users with WinSock to conduct a live voice conversation over internet from their PC's.
1569771 08/11/95 NCSA Mosaic (TM) v2.0.0 Final Beta NCSA Mosaic is an Internet navigation and data retrival tool. It is so call a WWW Broser, it has built-in FTP and Gopher.
17588 09/21/95 NSLOOKUP name server lookup for Windows v1.1.
499488 08/07/95 32-bit TCP-IP client for Windows NT and Win95. Features Telnet, FTP, News, etc.
397264 07/21/95 WinQVT/Net v3.98 for Winsock. Intergrated TCP connection package includes Telnet, FTP, a NNTP newsreader, a POP3 email clinet, and a LPR client. Many changes since previous versions.
308178 09/21/95 Trumpet Winsock v2.1F 7.24.95 release replaces all previous.
50293 07/26/95 Documentation for The Trumpet Winsock Version 2.x June 21, 1995 [42].
309358 09/21/95 Windows Sockets Watch program specifically for use with Windows 95.
180764 09/24/95 (v2.02) WFTPD - Winsock FTP Server. Allows you to administer an FTP site from your own Windows machine. Easy to use and configure, and notoriously stable. Costs only $15 to register the 16-bit version, $20 for the 32-bit version ($5 extra for disk shipment as opposed to ftp/email delivery). Author: Alun Jones, Texas Imperial Software
56728 10/01/95 WSPing Client Ver. 95.01.28 32 Bit Version NT or Windows with 32bit extensions required. This new version has Lookup (domain - IP, IP domain) Ping & (finally) Traceroute.
159013 09/21/95 Windows Sockets FTP Client Application 94.01-29 is a standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client application for Windows Sockets. It provides and easy to use graphical interface with new users in mind. Requires a properly installed WINSOCK.DLL and WIN31. (John A. Junod, reg. Fee: $0).
192705 09/21/95 Windows Sockets FTP Client Application for Windows NT, Windows 95, Win32S. 4.24.95.
60496 03/16/95 Win Socket FTP PING.
308505 09/21/95 Windows Sockets Net Watch, provides graphical means to monitor status of selected hosts w/alerting mechanisms.
101474 10/04/94 NFS Client for use with Microsoft's 32-bit TCP/IP stack for Windows for Workgroups. From Compuserve.

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